Special Guest: Dr. Melissa Deuter
will speak from 9:45-10:30 AM in the Parish Hall
This year, we welcome Dr. Melissa Deuter, board certified psychiatrist and author of the book, STUCK in the Sick Role: How Illness Becomes An Identity. She is the Medial Director for Sigma Mental Health Urgent Care in Stone Oak. She specialized in the care of teens, young adults and their families. She has a special interest in the unique mental health needs of emerging adults (18-25 year olds).
St. George Episcopal holds Mental Health Awareness Sunday in an effort to fight stigma surrounding mental illness by raising awareness and providing an education component for those who have been given a mental illness diagnosis and for those who care for loved ones with mental illness diagnosis.
Dr. Deuter also writes a weekly blog on a variety of mental health and parenting related topics. You can read her blog by following this link: http://www. melissadeuter.com/news/ .
For more information about Sigma Mental Health Urgent Care or Dr. Deuter, please visit https://www.sigmamhuc. com/meet-our-staff .
Boy Scouts of America Troop 346 50th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Harmony Hills Cabana Club
339 Fantasia Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78216
3:00 pm Fellowship — 5:30 Dinner — 6:30 Program
$5.00 – 10 & older • $2.00 – 3-9 years • Under 3 Free
For reservations, please send payment (checks payable to Troop 346) to
Ann Specht, 902 Mt. Serolod Dr., San Antonio, Texas 78213
Please send your email address to spxtx@aol.com for updates
RSVP is required by emailing jimbosa53@gmail.com.
You are welcome to join their Facebook page: Troop 346–San Antonio
Blessing of the Backpacks and TeachersOur annual Blessing of the Backpacks and Teachers will be Sunday, August 25 during both the 8:30 AM & 10:45 AM worship services. All students are encouraged to bring their backpacks and receive a blessing to start the school year off right. We also invite teachers to come and receive a blessing as they begin another year of teaching God’s children! Please join us after the 10:45 AM service for our Ice Cream Social in our newly renovated Parish Hall! |
Annual Ice Cream SocialThe fun continues after church – Join us for our annual Ice Cream Social on August 25 following our 10:45 AM worship service. Gather in joyous fellowship with family and friends from our Church and School as we celebrate the beginning of another wonderful year of teaching! If you are able to volunteer to help with clean up, please contact Happy Wilson – hwilson@saintgeorgechurch.org. |
Every Sunday at the 10:45 service, we will have a special blessing for our young people as they head off to various summer camps.
If your child will be attending Camp Capers, please let us know their name(s) and what session they are attending. In addition to a blessing during the church service, St. George will send a letter to them while they are at camp. Please email hwilson@saintgeorgechurch.org with your information.
The “Pathways to Hope: Breaking the Stigma of Mental Illness” Conference is a free, community-wide conference on mental health, sponsored in part by the diocese and St. Mark’s, San Antonio. The two-day conference will take place Friday, August 23, to Saturday, August 24 at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts in San Antonio, and includes presentations, workshops, and a youth and family event taking place on Friday at 7:00 PM. To view the event flyer, click here. For more information, and registration, visit pathwaystohope.net.
Praise God’s blessings! The Lord has provided new opportunities for our Haitian partnership this past spring. Next month, Keith Earle and two representatives from Texas Water Mission will be heading to St. Benoit with Fr. Goursse to asses the current water situation on the campus at St. Benoit. In partnership with Texas Water Mission, we hope to come up with a quality and useful water solution for our partners. Please pray for God’s vision and discernment on this trip as the team works together during this time. The team is set to head out on July 10 and we look forward to continuing to build the bonds of friendship as well as work on this solution with our partners. If you desire to contribute towards the work of this trip, you may do so by praying for us and offering your voice to God in support. If you wish to support further with your own gifts, you may donate by check, cash or electronically byclicking here. Please designate “Haiti Outreach” in the memo or locate the giving category electronically. If you have any questions, please contact Keith Earle for more details. Thank you for your prayers during this time.
Beginning June 3, please note that the best way to contact our staff during the summer break is through an email and a scheduled appointment. We will not be able to effectively address walk-in appointments, and you may walk in at a time when our staff is unavailable, so please use the guide below to contact the office. We want to help, and we look forward to a great summer with you!
Summer Office Hours:
Monday–Thursday 8:00–1:00 PM
Friday 8:00–12:00 PM.
St. George Staff Contact Information
Rector – Fr. Ram Lopez rlopez@saintgeorgechurch.org
Senior Director – Keith Earle kearle@saintgeorgechurch.org
Director of Pastoral Care – Marilynne Herbster mherbster@saintgeorgechurch.org
Director of Family Ministries – Happy Wilson hwilson@saintgeorgechurch.org
Director of Youth Ministries – Taylor Brown tbrown@saintgeorgechurch.org
Director of Music Ministry – Bernadette Williams bwilliams@saintgeorgechurch.org
Bookkeeper/Admin. Assistant – Jennifer Kirkland jkirkland@saintgeorgechurch.org
Communications Manager – Aimee Martinez amartinez@saintgeorgechurch.org
Many St. George parishioners touch the lives of people every day in San Antonio and throughout the world as they “love and serve” in the name of God. “Stories of Humanity and Healing” seeks to share with you the human stories of that work. Do you have a story to share of reaching out to your fellow human beings? If so, please send it to impact@saintgeorgechurch.org.
Click here to read this month’s Impact Report.
We’re Splashin’ through the Summer THIS Sunday, July 7, with a one-service July 4th celebration at 10:00 AM! Afterwards we’ll gather together for lunch and some Wet ‘n Wild fun out by the playground! There will be an inflatable water slide for the kids, hula hoops, splash sponge balls, and other outside fun! Make sure kids bring (or wear) their swimsuits, towel, and sunscreen! There are some picnic tables out by the playground, but please feel free to bring your lawn chairs for additional seating. We will have board and card games for those who wish to beat the heat in the Leadership Center Commons.
It will be another great day for us all on our beautiful grounds! So come on . . . join us . . . as we Splash through the Summer and celebrate July 4th . . . St. George style!