Summer of Service Donation Items Needed by Friday, July 22

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July Summer of Service: Backpack and School Supply Drive in Collaboration with The North Central Convening of Churches

Thanks to your generosity, we have been doing well with donations of the items on the list that was previously published. We’ve decided to move forward with the second half of the list of supplies for first and second grade backpacks. If you have already planned to bring items from the previous list, please do so. If you have not yet had a chance to do your shopping and can bring items from the following list, that would be great.  We still need backpacks to be donated. As always, if you would rather donate money and have us do your shopping for you, we are happy to do so (click here for the link). Thank you!

  • Backpacks – Suitable for first or second graders

We will stuff the donated back packs with supplies, so please bring one or more of the following items.

  • 8 oz Elmer’s Glue
  • Glue Sticks (6 required for 1st graders, 4 required for 2nd graders)
  • Plastic Supply Box (9” X 6” X 2”)
  • 12” Standard/Metric Ruler
  • 12 ct. Colored Pencils
  • 200 ct wide ruled Notebook paper (2 packages/backpack)
  • Large pink eraser
  • Box 200 ct. Non-Scented Kleenex (2 boxes/backpack)

You may drop your items off at the Leadership Center from 9-2 on Monday-Friday. You can also bring them by on Sunday.

Click here for information on our website about the North Central Convening of Churches and Larkspur Elementary.

Don’t have a chance to shop? Please consider offering a cash donation so we can pick up the needed items for you.  Click here to make the donation via PayPal. You can also give cash or check in an envelope marked with ‘Summer of Service.’

Donation List for Items Needed for July Summer of Service

By | Called to Serve, Summer of Service | No Comments

The above picture is only a small number of the almost 900 backpacks full of supplies before they were given to children last year.

We need…

  • Backpacks – Suitable for first or second graders

We will stuff the donated back packs with supplies, so please bring one or more of the following items.

  • Boxes of 24 count #2 pencils
  • Boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons (each backpack needs two boxes)
  • 5″ Pointed Fiskar Scissors
  • Wide-ruled Composition Book (70 page books)
  • Spiral Notebooks
  • 9″X12″ Packages Assorted Construction Paper-Loose
  • Boxes of Crayola Classic Broadtip Washable Markers

This list will serve as the list for the month, with a couple of small changes possible.  Information will continue to be distributed through the eSpear and the bulletin.

Won’t have a chance to shop?  Please consider offering a cash donation so we can pick up the needed items for you.  Click here to make the donation via PayPal. You can also give cash or check in an envelope marked with ‘Summer of Service.’

Click here for information about the North Central Convening of Churches and Larkspur Elementary.

Guest Speaker on Sunday, July 17 from Larkspur Elementary

By | Called to Serve, Summer of Service | No Comments

summer of servicePlease join us Sunday, July 17th for our guest speaker, Sara Ramirez, Vice-Principal at Larkspur Elementary as she tells us about Larkspur Elementary.  Ms. Ramirez will speak at both Sunday services.

As you know, we are gathering backpacks and supplies for our July Summer of Service Project.  We are working together with the North Central Convening of Churches in this project as we have done for many years.  Many of these backpacks went to the children at Larkspur Elementary.  Last year, St. George contributed about 125 backpacks full of school supplies to the overall total of almost 900.  This year, the goal is to have 1,000 backpacks full of supplies.

Julabeth Carden has served with Larkspur for a number of years.  Many of our parishioners serve at Larkspur in a variety of different ways.  Julabeth wrote the following note about her experiences with Larkspur and about our guest speaker. Please talk to Julabeth if you’d like more information.

“On this coming Sunday, July 17th we will have a special guest speaker from Larkspur Elementary School. She is the Vice-Principal, Sara Ramirez. Sara will be sharing with us what it is like to be at a Title One School; what are the challenges, hopes and dreams for her students. One of the stories that touched my heart, and the reason I wanted us to start collecting backpacks and school supplies a few years ago, was the Family Specialist telling me that they have many kids who will not go to the first day of school because they don’t have a backpack. Buying a backpack and all the supplies needed to fill it for the various grades is expensive. And, no child likes to be “noticed” because they don’t have what everyone else has. So, they just stay home for the first day, or days, of school. So, we in the St. George Community, started collecting backpacks and supplies. We have helped many kids be able to be there on that first day! I hope people continue to donate these items this year as well. Thanks so much for participating!”

-Julabeth Carden


Whom Do I Contact If I Have Questions About…

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Please refer to this list for the contact person for the various areas of our St. George life.
-For General Questions about St. George: Aimee Martinez,
-For publications/web/newsletter: Laura Kelly,
-For pastoral/baptismal/confirmation: Marilynne Herbster,
-For worship/ministry scheduling/music: Keith Earle,
-For accounts payable/pledging/giving/finance: Susan Stanley,

-For facility maintenance requests, please use this form:

-For room reservations, please use this form:

Summer of Service – Backpack and School Supply Drive

By | Called to Serve, Summer of Service | No Comments

Thank you for helping us make our first month of our Summer of Service such a success!  In July, we will get a early start with our annual backpack/school supply drive for children at Larkspur Elementary and other area schools in conjunction with the North Central Convening of Churches.  Throughout the month, we will stuff backpacks with all the required supplies for first and second graders so that they have what they need for school on their very first day!

Project: Backpack and School Supplies for Central Convening of Churches

Priority Donation Items needed by Friday, July 1

We need your help.  At this point, we are behind in our donations for this Sunday.

  • Backpacks – Suitable for first or second graders

We will stuff the donated back packs with supplies, so please bring one or more of the following items.

  • Boxes of 24 count #2 pencils
  • Boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons (each backpack needs two boxes)
  • 5″ Pointed Fiskar Scissors
  • Wide-ruled Composition Book (70 page books)
  • Spiral Notebooks
  • 9″X12″ Packages Assorted Construction Paper-Loose
  • Boxes of Crayola Classic Broadtip Washable Markers

The details-

When – 10:00 AM

Where – The Gathering Area outside the nursery

Who – Everyone

What – Sorting School Supplies and Stuffing Them Into Backpacks

Why – St. George is Called to Serve!   And It’s Fun!

Click here for information on our website about the North Central Convening of Churches and Larkspur Elementary.

Click here if you would like to see the list of items that we need to have donated for the entire Summer of Service.