Welcome Back!

By | From Fr. Ram | No Comments

Can Community of Hope Be of Service to You and Yours?

By | Community, Fellowship | No Comments

The St. George Community of Hope International (COHI) has trained lay chaplains who are available to minister to those of you and yours who could benefit from a compassionate listening presence. 

 In 1994 Rev. Helen Appelberg created the COHI training course for lay chaplains to support hospital staff chaplains. The philosophy is “rooted in the ageless principles of The Rule of Benedict and sustained by clinical pastoral practices.”

COHI lay chaplains at St. George are available now. If you would like to request a call from a lay chaplain, email pastoralcare@saintgeorgechurch.org.

For more information about Community of Hope International, go to https://www.cohinternational.org/.

Back to School – Drive-Thru Blessing

By | Community | No Comments
This past Sunday, 23 families loaded up in their cars and came to the church to receive a personal blessing from Fr. Ram and some of the St. George Staff! Over 30 kids were blessed and received a sticker to place on their electronic devices to remind them to not be discouraged…for God is with them and they are prayed for and loved by their St. George family! Families were also given prayers to do at home with the kids as well as a frozen treat to cool everyone off from the blistering Texas heat! Although masks were required, we were able to see the smiles & the joy in everyone’s eyes and felt the love of St. George flowing through all of us! Our back-to-school blessing looked different than it has in the past, but the love and blessings were still abundantly present! It was so wonderful to see everyone! We look forward to the day when we can all be together again!
For those who were not able to make it and would like to receive the sticker for their electronic devices, please contact Happy Wilson at hwilson@saintgeorgechurch.org!