Per Bishop Reed’s letter from last week, all Covid Protocols continue for in-person worship and all other on-campus activities. These include mask and physical distancing requirements.
Our clergy are writing daily reflections during the season of Lent. They are posted on our Facebook page. If you have not already “Liked” our page, please do that so you can read the short reflections as part of your Lenten disciplines.
As we prepare for the resurrection of Jesus during this Lenten season, mark this time as different through your actions using these Lenten Micro Practices. In this booklet, you will find a new practice to guide you each day on your journey. The Lenten practices rotate between the 3 pillars of Lent: praying, fasting, and almsgiving. Some practices can be done on the spot, some throughout the day, and others will take some time and/or preparation. At the end of the 40 days of Lent, you will have made room in your heart and in your lives for Christ’s resurrection. There are 2 forms of the Lenten Micro Practices: one for families with children, and another for individuals/families without younger children. You may download and print your booklets at home by clicking on the available links.
Due to this wild winter weather, we have decided to move our drive-through Pancake Supper to this coming Sunday, February 21st. Please watch our page for an update on the plan for Sunday.
We will have open fellowship time at 9:15 AM. Understanding the Gospel discussion group has been moved to 9:45-10:15 AM, led by Steve Alwais. Click Here to join the Zoom gathering on Sunday Morning at 9:15 am. All you need to do is enable your camera and microphone. You may use cell phones, laptops, or computers. Contact Keith Earle at kearle@saintgeorgechurch.