How can YOU be disciples for Jesus? Join us, in person, in the outdoor classroom of St. George, at 9:00 AM on Sundays, starting April 25, and find out!! This class is for children PreK-5th grade! Through interactive story-telling, creating meaningful art, and engaging in fun activities, we’ll learn what God is doing in the world around us, and how WE can join God in that work! We hope you’ll come and share God’s love with us! If you have any questions, please email Happy Wilson at hwilson@saintgeorgechurch.
What is Chain of Love?
Chain of Love began 16 years ago as a way to demonstrate the impact our community was making on those around the world. Every dollar that is raised is represented by a domino that is then turned into a HUGE domino chain built by students. What started out as a chain of 3,500 dominoes has grown to over
32, 000! It is a visual way to see what we can do when we all join together to work towards a common goal.
Our partnership with St. Benoit in Mombin Crochu, Haiti began in 2009/2010. We were connected with them through The National Episcopal Church’s Haiti Partnership Program because of their incredible need. They are very remote and isolated, making the journey difficult to get there. They had no official buildings to call home. Mr. Devlin (along with the Hausman’s and Jennifer Wickham) made the visit in March of 2010 after a catastrophic earthquake. It was an incredible experience that solidified our desire to partner with the community of St. Benoit in Mombin Crochu, Haiti.
How can I be a Domino?
You can support this year’s Chain of Love by donati ng here online. Help us by spreading the word, one dollar and domino at a time.
St. George Episcopal Church would like to present a special gift to each of our high school graduates to mark this momentous milestone in their lives, and we need your help. If you have a loved one that will be graduating from high school, please email your graduates’ name to Happy Wilson at hwilson@saintgeorgechurch. org, by Friday, April 16th, so we can recognize them with this special gift!
Fr. Ram will be offering a hybrid Confirmation series beginning on Sunday April 11 at 9:00 AM. The class will be both in-person in the Parish Hall and on Zoom.
This class is appropriate for anyone who is new to St. George or The Episcopal Church. The Bishop will be with us on Sunday, May 16th to Confirm anyone who takes the class and would like the sacrament of Confirmation.
Please contact Fr. Ram ( if you have any questions.
Register here for the Class.
Confirmation Series for Adults and Youth (6th grade and up)
4/11 The Church 9:00 AM
4/18 Mysteries of the Liturgy 9:00 AM
4/25 The Spiritual Life 9:00 AM
5/2 Sunday Off
5/9 Serving Christ 9:00 AM
5/16 Time with the Bishop 9:00 AM
We will be adorning our altar on Easter with
Easter Lilies, Please consider a contribution toward the Lilies “In Memory of” or “In Thanksgiving for” any loved ones you would like to honor. Please make all designations by clicking here and filling out our “Easter Lily Offering Form”. We will present our in memoriam and thanksgivings at our Easter services. Please send any questions to Keith Earle at kearle@saintgeorgechurch. org.
And he’s hoppin’ down the bunny trail, making his way to St. George on Easter Sunday!
We invite all children 5th grade and under to bring their Easter basket and come participate in our Easter Egg Hunt at 9:00 AM! We will gather outside in the courtyard and head out to the playground/field together for the hunt. Following the Easter Egg Hunt, the children will help Flower the Cross for our Easter Sunday service!
We welcome everyone to bring fresh-cut flowers and participate in the Flowering of the Cross, a great tradition here at St. George, that will take place on Easter Sunday. The cross will be placed outside, beginning with the 8:00 am service, for all who would like to add flowers. Let’s all be a part of this beautiful transformation!
Need a Lenten discipline? Read on!
Rev. Susan Burnham and Fr. Ram Lopez will be offering a Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark beginning Sunday, February 21 at 11:15 am. We will conclude at noon.
This Bible Study will be a “hybrid” study. If you are comfortable with attending in person you are welcome to join us. All our Covid protocols will be in place during the study. We will meet in the church this Sunday.
For those who would like to participate via Zoom, the login information is below.
Regardless of how you participate, the St. George Clergy will be happy to have you participate.
Journey through Lent with your St. George Family as we all journey together through Mark’s Gospel.
St. George Episcopal Church is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting by clicking here.
Topic: Gospel of Mark Bible Study
Time: Feb 21, 2021, 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Sun, until Mar 21, 2021, 5 occurrence(s)
Mar 14, 2021 11:00 AM
Mar 21, 2021 11:00 AM