Join Fr Ram and the Wednesday Wisdom Year Wonders at 9:20 am on Wednesday for Coffee in St John’s Room. Come and experience joyful fellowship, offering prayers together, serving others, learning and worshipping together. The Wednesday Schedule is below.
- 9:20 am Coffee with the Rector
- 9:30 am Sacred Stitches: Prayer Shawl Ministry
- 10:30 am Adult Bible Study (Boomers and Bloomers,
- 3rd Wed)
- Noon Healing and Holy Eucharist (All Souls’ Chapel)
Wednesday, 12/18, at 4:30 PM
Coffee+Culture Bakery
13489 Blanco Rd
An informal, no prep required discussion of a topic that will be introduced at the meeting.
Please contact Andy Nodine with any questions.
Join us THIS Sunday, Dec. 15, for an afternoon of games, food & fun at our Youth Holiday Hangout!
All middle school youth are invited to come!
Bring your favorite snack to share AND a wrapped gift for a gift exchange. Gift limit is $10!
Friends are always welcome to join!
RSVP HERE so we can plan accordingly!