Family Camp Registration Now Open!

By | Community, Family Ministry | No Comments
If you are interested in attending Family Camp, registration opened up on Monday, Nov. 2!
Fr. Ram will be the chaplain for Family Camp Session 8, July 22-25! In St. George tradition we’d like to fill that session with a bunch of our St. George friends & families! As you know, sessions fill up fast…especially those sessions that fall at the end of July…so register as soon as you can to claim those coveted spots!!
To register for Session 8 Family Camp with Fr. Ram CLICK HERE. To browse and register for other camps, CLICK HERE!

Adopt a Needy Family

By | Community | No Comments
The 2020 Adopt A Needy Family (“AANF”) program is well on it’s way! To all who have donated items to date, thank you for your continued support of this worthy program. The generosity of the St. George community is always amazing, but there are still opportunities to give! Click here to view the list of large items needed this year. You can click here to view the list of families and their ornament pages, or you may choose to provide a monetary donation by clicking here.
Please print the ornament email page sent to you by Sign Up Genius for each gift because it must be securely attached to the unwrapped gift before it is placed in a drop-off box. Gifts may be delivered to the Leadership Center starting no later than December 4th.
Thank you for your continued support,
Randall Klint and Gaby Fernandez-Morales
Your 2020 AANF Coordinators

Return to In-Person Worship: Pre-Screening/Reservation Instructions

By | Community, Worship | No Comments

As you may have heard, we are back for in-person worship at 8:30 AM in the Sanctuary. Doors open each Sunday at 8:15 AM  and you may use either entrance (Richards, or Sanctary  Narthex) for worship.  Parking is permitted in all of our lots if you are attending. We will have screening set up at both entrances to the Sanctuary. We are requiring that all attendees who are comfortable coming for in-person worship fill out our St. George Episcopal Church Pre-Screening/Reservation form by Sunday morning before they attend the service. This form will also be linked in each week’s eSpear electronic newsletter. This will speed up our on-campus screening and check-in process once you arrive. It will also help us anticipate the numbers attending and determine how we will set up the worship space. Remember, we are continuing to offer our 10:45 AM worship stream in the same format that we have been presenting each week, and we look forward to seeing you!

Below is a video I have provided that walks you through the Pre-Screening/ Reservation form so that you can anticipate what it will look like.

Click Here for St. George Pre-Screeing/Reservation form instructions. 


I am also including a fun video created by the staff to highlight what to expect for the return to in-person worship- This is what it looked like in the Parish Hall when we stared, however, it will be the same process in the Sanctuary. Take a look, and enjoy the fun spirit that went into this video!

Click here for the Welcome Back! A look at the return to in-person worship video.

If you do not receive our eSpear newsletter- Click Here to sign up. 

As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions. The rest of the team and I are here for you and want to support you in any way possible. Have a blessed rest of your week!



Keith Earle

Senior Director

Can Community of Hope Be of Service to You and Yours?

By | Community, Fellowship | No Comments

The St. George Community of Hope International (COHI) has trained lay chaplains who are available to minister to those of you and yours who could benefit from a compassionate listening presence. 

 In 1994 Rev. Helen Appelberg created the COHI training course for lay chaplains to support hospital staff chaplains. The philosophy is “rooted in the ageless principles of The Rule of Benedict and sustained by clinical pastoral practices.”

COHI lay chaplains at St. George are available now. If you would like to request a call from a lay chaplain, email

For more information about Community of Hope International, go to

Back to School – Drive-Thru Blessing

By | Community | No Comments
This past Sunday, 23 families loaded up in their cars and came to the church to receive a personal blessing from Fr. Ram and some of the St. George Staff! Over 30 kids were blessed and received a sticker to place on their electronic devices to remind them to not be discouraged…for God is with them and they are prayed for and loved by their St. George family! Families were also given prayers to do at home with the kids as well as a frozen treat to cool everyone off from the blistering Texas heat! Although masks were required, we were able to see the smiles & the joy in everyone’s eyes and felt the love of St. George flowing through all of us! Our back-to-school blessing looked different than it has in the past, but the love and blessings were still abundantly present! It was so wonderful to see everyone! We look forward to the day when we can all be together again!
For those who were not able to make it and would like to receive the sticker for their electronic devices, please contact Happy Wilson at!

Sunday Digital Fellowship & Formation Hour

By | Adult Ministries, Community, Fellowship | No Comments

Join us for our 8:30 AM Fellowship & Formation Hour on Sunday Mornings. Bring your coffee and enjoy this fellowship time in your own living room as you join this Zoom video gathering on Sunday mornings before our 10:00 AM worship stream.  Our Understanding the Gospel class starts at 9:00 AM on the same meeting. This will be a Zoom gathering at 8:30 AM. All you need to do is enable your camera and microphone. You may use cell phones, laptops, or computers. Contact Keith Earle at if you would like to join and he will send you the Zoom link to join.

Quest in a Box

By | Children's Ministries, Community | No Comments
Summer at St. George has a new look during these extraordinary times! Since we can’t come together for the summer fun…we’re bringing the summer fun to you. We are excited to give you, Quest in a Box: St. George’s Summer of Bible Fun!! It’s great for kids of all ages…and parents can even join in on the fun too. Quest in a Box is specially designed for summer where you’ll find activities to keep your kids busy…but more importantly, the activities in each box can help your kids, or your whole family, grow their faith together…all the while keeping your kids connected to the Bible right from your own home!
By clicking here, you will get the following detailed information:
What is Quest in a Box: St. George’s Summer of Bible Fun?
What all is included in our Quest in a Box?
How do I get one for my child?
We have limited supplies….so sign up to get yours today!

Backpack Drive

By | Community, Uncategorized | No Comments
This year the Backpack Drive for the Convening of Churches is going to look different because there is so much uncertainty of when students will be back in school. Backpacks will be distributed on July 24 from 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM at Coker UMC.
In order to limit in-person contact, Coker has purchased all of the backpacks and school supplies needed to fill approximately 600 to 700 backpacks. They need our help. They are asking for monetary donations this year to help cover the cost. St. George has participated in this event for many years, and this is our opportunity to participate again. Perhaps we cannot volunteer to help pack the backpacks or to help deliver them this year, but we can certainly participate by making a monetary donation. Please keep our tradition of helping those who need our help alive! Click here to contribute online, or you can mail in a check with Backpacks on the memo line. Thanks so much, St. George!!