All posts by Keith Earle

Willmann Trust Grant Applications due by September 6

By | Called to Serve, Community, Stewardship | No Comments

Each year the Willmann Trust Board offers grants to local ministries and non-profit organizations. In 2018, grants were awarded to the following ministries: Larkspur Elementary, West Avenue Compassion, Christian Assistance Ministries, Pay-It-Forward–Haven for Hope, and Magdalena House.

If your organization would like to apply for financial or other assistance from the Willmann Trust, please click here for our online application.

Requests are due by September 6, 2019 for Willmann Trust Board consideration at their next meeting.

Parenting and Children’s Mental Health, October 6

By | Community | No Comments

Special Guest: Dr. Melissa Deuter
will speak from 9:45-10:30 AM in the Parish Hall

This year, we welcome Dr. Melissa Deuter, board certified psychiatrist and author of the book, STUCK in the Sick Role: How Illness Becomes An Identity. She is the Medial Director for Sigma Mental Health Urgent Care in Stone Oak. She specialized in the care of teens, young adults and their families. She has a special interest in the unique mental health needs of emerging adults (18-25 year olds).

St. George Episcopal holds Mental Health Awareness Sunday in an effort to fight stigma surrounding mental illness by raising awareness and providing an education component for those who have been given a mental illness diagnosis and for those who care for loved ones with mental illness diagnosis.

Dr. Deuter also writes a weekly blog on a variety of mental health and parenting related topics.  You can read her blog by following this link: http://www. .

For more information about Sigma Mental Health Urgent Care or Dr. Deuter, please visit https://www.sigmamhuc. com/meet-our-staff .

BSA Troop 346 Celebrates 50 Years!

By | Community, Fellowship, Youth | No Comments

Boy Scouts of America Troop 346 50th Anniversary Celebration

Saturday, August 10, 2019
Harmony Hills Cabana Club

339 Fantasia Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78216

3:00 pm Fellowship — 5:30 Dinner — 6:30 Program
$5.00 – 10 & older • $2.00 – 3-9 years • Under 3 Free

For reservations, please send payment (checks payable to Troop 346) to
Ann Specht, 902 Mt. Serolod Dr., San Antonio, Texas 78213

Please send your email address to for updates

RSVP is required by emailing

You are welcome to join their Facebook page: Troop 346–San Antonio

The 2019 World Mission Symposium, August 24

By | Called to Serve | No Comments

“Youth, Money, and Mission” is an annual conference to help inspire individuals and congregations with ideas to start, or sustain mission trips and partnerships at their church. Hosted by the diocesan World Mission Department, the symposium will take place on Saturday, August 24, from 9:30 -2:45 PM at the Bishop Jones Center, in San Antonio. Our very own Keith Earle will be speaking at this event! For more information and registration, visit

Blessing of Backpacks and Teachers and Ice Cream Social

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Blessing of the Backpacks and Teachers

Our annual Blessing of the Backpacks and Teachers will be Sunday, August 25 during both the 8:30 AM & 10:45 AM worship services. All students are encouraged to bring their backpacks and receive a blessing to start the school year off right. We also invite teachers to come and receive a blessing as they begin another year of teaching God’s children!

Please join us after the 10:45 AM service for our Ice Cream Social in our newly renovated Parish Hall!

Ice Cream

Annual Ice Cream Social

The fun continues after church – Join us for our annual Ice Cream Social on August 25 following our 10:45 AM worship service. Gather in joyous fellowship with family and friends from our Church and School as we celebrate the beginning of another wonderful year of teaching! If you are able to volunteer to help with clean up, please contact Happy Wilson –

Blessing of Campers and Staff — Every Sunday

By | Children's Ministries, Community, Youth | No Comments

Every Sunday at the 10:45 service, we will have a special blessing for our young people as they head off to various summer camps.

If your child will be attending Camp Capers, please let us know their name(s) and what session they are attending. In addition to a blessing during the church service, St. George will send a letter to them while they are at camp. Please email with your information.

Mental Health Conference Opportunity

By | Adult Ministries, Community | No Comments

The “Pathways to Hope: Breaking the Stigma of Mental Illness” Conference is a free, community-wide conference on mental health, sponsored in part by the diocese and St. Mark’s, San Antonio. The two-day conference will take place Friday, August 23, to Saturday, August 24 at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts in San Antonio, and includes presentations, workshops, and a youth and family event taking place on Friday at 7:00 PM. To view the event flyer, click here. For more information, and registration, visit

Betas Take On OKC!

By | Community, Youth | No Comments

St. George Betas Attend National Convention

On June 14-18, 38 of our Beta Club members attended the Junior Beta Club National Convention in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The following students represented St. George:

Rising 9th Graders Emma Cantwell, Jessie Cromer, Delaney Dwyer, Macie Lin, Sofy Partida, Sofia Perez-Gomez, and George Welch

Rising 8th Graders Briggs Blume, Berkleigh Bowling, Kalina Calvillo, Ramiro Cavazos, Patrick Clausewitz, Rudy Davila, Eric Draeger, Nicholas Fritz, Grace Garrett, Sofia Garza-Serreli, Xander King, Lilly Kate Lannom, Megan Liu, Benicio Martinez, Sofia Pina-Cervantes, Krish Puri, Sofia Scheuerman, Kate Taylor, and Hallie Verstuyft-Trautwein

Rising 7th Graders Brooklyn Bowling, Kiara Dwivedi, Bennett Kiehne, Lauren Lacroix, Emersyn Landrum, Emily McLaughlin, Chase Miller, James Miller Nelson, Viviane Notzon, Sadie Salter, Maria Santandreu, and Rachele Zarattini

The national convention was in Oklahoma, so this year’s convention theme was “Beta Fueling the Future.” Because our students placed in the following competitions at our state convention in February, we were eligible to compete in these national contests:


National Office and Skit

Ramiro Cavazos ran for National President, which required him to deliver a speech in front of thousands of voters explaining why he was the right candidate to show all Betas how being an “every day hero” can change the world for the better. Ramiro emphasized that kind words, deeds, and actions transform us all into powerful heroes. Ramiro also articulately answered a live question on stage. Unfortunately, a candidate from another state (with many more voting delegates present than Texas) was elected, but we are all so very proud of Ramiro’s fine efforts.
For the Campaign Skit to support Ramiro, our 37 other St. George Beta members, dressed in 80’s neon aerobics garb, sang and danced their hearts out to a version of Bonnie Tyler’s 80’s classic song “Holding Out For a Hero.” Our lyrics focused on how Ramiro would inspire us all to be heroes as our National Chaplain. Our skit was full of energy and was well received. For the first time ever, St. George was recognized in the Campaign Skit national competition, bringing home 3rd Place!


Painting and Photography

Jessie Cromer, after capturing 1st Place in Painting and “Best in Show” at the state convention, entered her amazing “Oliver Tufts” which is a close-up of a lynx. Jessie’s painting unfortunately did not place, but we all agree that it truly is a masterpiece.


In the photography category, Sofia Perez-Gomez entered her close-up color photo of her horse Leroy “smiling” as water was splashed in his face. Sofia’s outstanding photo won 1st Place at state but unfortunately did not receive a ribbon at the national level.


Written Academic Tests

Emersyn Landrum participated in the written 6th Grade Language Arts test (having won 1st Place at state). Emersyn exited the testing room saying how difficult she thought the exam was. We think she was simply setting us up so that we would not expect much, and it worked because we were thrilled when Emersyn won 3rd place in this contest!

Our Book Battle team of Megan Liu, Benicio Martinez, and Sofia Pina-Cervantes captured 1st Place at the state competition. They read a list of 12 required books and worked together for months discussing the assigned pieces of literature. After collectively answering written objective and essay questions on the national test, this devoted team of readers captured 5th Place!



This year’s contest theme was “The Future Starts with Beta.” Our dynamic team used technology to create an impressive video which captured 2nd at our state convention and then allowed us to also compete in this contest at the National Convention.  The Technology Team consisted of: Lindsay Blanton, Elise Bostain, Ramiro Cavazos, Rudy Davila, Eric Draeger,
Nicholas Fritz, Carolyn King, Xander King, Bradley Landrum, AJ Liang, Gaige Lipscomb, Jackson Pipes,
Krish Puri, and George Welch. We are thrilled to inform you that our video that used a Back to the Future theme, captured 8th Place at National! Team members present at National were Ramiro Cavazos, Rudy Davila, Eric Draeger, Nicholas Fritz, Xander King, Krish Puri, and George Welch.


Group Talent

After winning 1st Place in Group Talent at the National Convention for the past two years, the St. George Betas knew we had “big shoes to fill.” Each of our attending Betas (other than Ramiro, who could not participate in any other contests other than running for office) sang and danced as we told a condensed 6-minute story of Mary Poppins on

stage. After our students gave it their all during the preliminary and final performances, St. George was awarded 1st Place in the nation in the Group Talent category!

We are extremely proud to share that this is our third consecutive year to capture 1st Place in Group Talent at the Junior Beta National Convention! AMAZING!!!!!!!! Click here to watch the award winning performance. 


Premier Performers

Macie Lin, Viviane Notzon, and Rachele Zarattini “captured the eyes” of judges at our state convention in February and were selected to perform as Premier Performers at the national convention. After putting in several hours of dance and vocal practices at the convention center in Oklahoma City, these 3 girls were outstanding entertainers in ensemble groups on stage at the convention’s opening convocation. We are proud of you, ladies!


Challenge Competitions

Because we earned the right to compete in two on-site contests at a Beta Club Leadership Summit in October 2018, the following teams participated:

Lauren Lacroix, Sadie Salter, Maria Santandreu, and Sofia Pina-Cervantes competed in a challenge called “Lead Outside the Box.” These four Betas were given a problem that involved students’ over-usage of technology and social media. The team had to devise, propose, and explain a solution for this problematic situation. After a brainstorming session, our team’s proposal was to completely limit student internet usage during the school day, while providing many more student opportunities for healthy face-to-face interactions. This group’s quick thinking skills and teamwork made us proud!

In the expo titled “Rapid Response” our team of Kalina Calvillo, Jessie Cromer, Eric Draeger, Sofia Garza-Serreli, Meg Liu, Sofia Perez-Gomez, Krish Puri, and George Welch had to quickly “apply collaborative leadership skills and effective communication to produce a result or response in an allotted time.” Our team employed their abstract reasoning, problem-solving, and memory skills to complete two different on-site tasks within a very short amount of time. They definitely exhibited great teamwork!


“We will never forget you, Mary Poppins!”


Jumping into nationals like…


Paying our respects at the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. 


Sofia “The Air” Scheuerman


The Man, The Myth, The holder of all the things! Thank you, Mr. Davila!


No matter what, there is always Starbucks!


Betas in Training!


“It’s not ok…”-Ms. Leibowitz


We are extremely proud of our St. George Beta Club members who represented our school so well at the national convention in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. We undoubtedly showed the nation how bright, talented, well-behaved, and service-oriented St. George Episcopal School truly is! Next year’s national convention will be in Fort Worth, Texas, so we cannot wait to show everyone how Texas Betas host a national convention!