Register Now for First Communion Classes!

By | Family Ministry | No Comments

We will be holding First Communion classes beginning on February 13 at 9:00 am. Any baptized child in the 1st-5th grades is invited to attend this 3-week class series! The curriculum we will be using is modeled on the Eucharist format: We Gather (Lesson 1), We Hear and Respond to the Word of God and We Offer our Gifts (Lesson 2), We Celebrate and We are Sent Out (Lesson 3). Because children learn with all their senses, activities and instruction will be included that engage them throughout each lesson.

WHAT:  First Communion Classes

WHO:   Any baptized child in the 1st-5th grades

WHEN:  February 13 & February 27 at 9:00 AM and March 6 at 11:00 AM

WHERE: Parish Hall/Cafeteria

HOW:   Reserve your child’s spot by contacting Happy Wilson at

First Communion will be received on May 22nd at the 10:00 AM worship service

Acolyte Ministry

By | Called to Serve | No Comments

Calling all children 3rd Grade and older! We are restarting our Acolyte Ministry and we would love to have you involved!! As everything is changing lately, we have decided on some fun changes for serving in this ministry, which should make serving such a pleasure for all!

We will be having Acolyte Training on Sunday, February 6 after church to go over everything you need to know!! NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED!! We can’t wait to see you there!! Please contact Jennifer Kirkland at if you have any questions!!

SG Youth Group

By | Youth | No Comments

Spring Youth Group is getting ready to Kick-Off with some fun and exciting things for 2022! This Spring, our St. George Youth will still be meeting on Sundays from 6:00-7:30 PM for our regularly scheduled fellowship activities, but we will also be adding some Saturdays to the mix. One Saturday each month we will be gathering to participate in activities like a service project, a movie marathon, Youth Olympics, and a game night. If you have a youth in grades 6th-12th who may be interested in joining, please contact Taylor Brown, Director of Youth Ministries, at for the calendar.

Say YES to the next generation & Join our Children’s Chapel Volunteer Team!

By | Called to Serve, Children's Ministries, Community, Family Ministry | No Comments

Starting September 12, Children’s Chapel will be back on Sunday mornings, during the 10:00 am Worship service! We need volunteers to help with this ministry! There are opportunities for all, whether you wish to serve one Sunday or several Sundays a month! We invite anyone new to children’s ministry or seasoned volunteers, parents, grandparents, or empty-nesters, to give of their time to the littlest ones of our church and be a part of this wonderful ministry. Contact Happy Wilson at and say YES to our next generation!

Council Delegate Election

By | Adult Ministries, Called to Serve | No Comments

The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas will hold its 118th Annual Council in San Marcos on February 24-26, 2022.

St. George, one of the parishes of the Diocese, will be electing delegates (DATE TBD)  to serve at the next three annual Diocesan Council meetings soon. We will be electing two (2) delegates as well as alternate delegates.

      Delegates will join Fr. Ram and Rev. Susan in assembling “to hear ministry reports, conduct the annual business of the Diocese, worship together, participate in workshops, and share fellowship.”

Delegates should be Confirmed Communicants in good standing of St. George.  Those elected by the parish will need to be willing to travel to San Marcos to participate in this in-person meeting.  Each delegate, clergy and lay, will be required to adhere to the Covid-19 guidelines and protocols as set forth by the Diocese of West Texas leadership.  Additionally, delegates may choose to stay in the Council hotel (recommended) at their own expense.

If you have questions, please reach out to Father Ram or Arden McLean, Senior Warden for more information.

Submit your nomination here.

Lessons and Carols

By | Community, Music Ministry | No Comments

Please join us on Sunday, December, 19th for our annual Lessons and Carols service at 10:00 AM. During this service, we will hear nine Scripture lessons, each followed by a musical piece provided by our Music Ministry team, choir and instrumentalists. This is a beautiful way to kick off your holiday season!

Read Luke This December

By | Adult Formation Class, Adult Ministries | No Comments

The first Sunday of Advent is the start of a new liturgical year. We will be in Year C and the primary Gospel we will read from is Luke.

The Clergy invite you to join them in reading a chapter of Luke for each day in December. Starting on December 1 read chapter one. Each day we will read the corresponding chapter. The final chapter will be on December 24 – Christmas Eve.

Let’s start our new Church Year off right by reading the Gospel according to Luke!