The Beta Club will host a special Treat Sale on Wednesday, April 17, during all lunches. We will be set up in the Gathering Area. Proceeds will benefit the Chain of Love campaign. Because most items are priced well under $1, there is no need to send large amounts of money with your child. Please encourage your child to eat his/her full lunch before purchasing at the Treat Sale.
Thank you to the Beta Club for supporting Chain of Love!
In an email Fr. Ram sent last week, he said,
We have arrived yet again at the doorstep to the season of Lent. Generations of Christ followers have used this 40-day season to reset their faith in Christ’s Love, to renew their commitment to their Baptismal vows, and to recommit to serving God and God’s people in their daily lives and work.
The words of invitation to observe a holy Lent give us clues to finding our way spiritually through Lent to a glorious Easter Morning.
Here’s a way to help us find our way . . .
Join the Wednesday Bible Study, Coffee and Conversation, Understanding the Gospel, or the Wired Word classes in order to read and discuss God’s Word.
Last Sunday the class read and discussed Questions 1 through 4 at the end of Chapter 2 in Max Lucado’s book “Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World.” The chapter is titled “Rejoice in the Lord’s Sovereignty.”
Question 3 asks us to consider, among other things, the statement, “Belief always precedes behavior.” Some felt that this describes their life outlook. Others opined that sometimes carrying out certain behaviors molds and reinforces their belief system.
Question 4 asked us to read 2 Corinthians 11:23-29 and Philippians 1:12-13. From these readings, Max asked us specific questions:
- In what circumstances do you struggle to trust God’s purposes?
- Do you feel that God is fair in asking for a pure response like [Saint] Paul’s? Why or why not?
- What keeps you from fully believing that God is a good Father who cares for every detail of your life?
- Take time to bring these obstacles before the Lord and pray, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief,” as written in Mark 9:24.
Next Sunday, 3/10/19, the class will start with Question 5, in the middle of page 161. The gist of the question is how actions of our leaders influence our way of life. The springboard for discussion is Hebrews 13:7-8.
Hope you can make it to class, normal time and place, between services starting at 9:45 in St. Mark’s Room, second floor in the Leadership Center. Molly Miller has graciously agreed to facilitate the class while we are still in Baltimore for Paul’s participation in an international math teachers meeting.
In Christ,
Peggy and Paul Foerster
On each Sunday in Lent, beginning March 10, St. George will be holding a Lenten Lunch at 12:00 PM in the Parish Hall/Cafeteria. All members of the St. George Family are invited to break bread over crockpots of homemade soup and warm bread and share in conversation about our Lenten journey. Come one Sunday or enjoy them all!
Soon, every member of the St. George Parish will be receiving a phone call from a fellow parishioner to sign up to bring a crock pot of soup on ONE of the Sundays during Lent. It can be homemade or store bought, and we hope that all parishioners consider participating.
March 17 …….. D-G