Discover St. George: Confirmation Conversation

By | Community, Fellowship, From Fr. Ram, Youth | No Comments

Fr. Ram and Taylor Brown, our Youth Minister, will continue the Confirmation Conversation for Adults and Youth (6th-12th grades) this Sunday, April 24 at 9:00 AM.

During this session, they will review the sacrament of Confirmation and discuss The Episcopal Church as a whole and how St. George fits into that wider picture.

If you are new to St. George or the Episcopal Church (or both), come and learn more about the sacrament of Confirmation, St. George and The Episcopal Church.

Bishop Rayford High will be at St. George on Sunday, May 22 for Confirmation.

You can find Fr. Ram and Taylor in the Commons Room, downstairs in the Leadership Center.

High School Graduate Bible Scriptures

By | Community, Youth | No Comments

St. George Episcopal Church would like to present a special gift to each of our high school graduates to mark this momentous milestone in their lives, and we need your help. We will be giving each high school graduate a personalized Bible with scripture blessings from our parishioners highlighted throughout each of their Bibles.

If you have one or more favorite scriptures that you would like to share and have highlighted in the graduates’ Bibles, simply email your list to Happy Wilson at by noon on Wednesday, May 4th.

It is our hope that these Bibles will be a treasured source of guidance and inspiration for our graduates as they begin this new journey in their lives. We thank you for your contributions!

We Can’t Wait to See you at Holy Week Services This Week!

By | A Lenten Journey, Community, Fellowship, Worship | No Comments

Don’t forget to join us for Holy Week Services this coming week. Holy Week starts this Sunday with Palm Sunday starting in the Courtyard and then processing into the Sanctuary!

Then we have our Maundy Thursday Eucharist with Foot Washing at 7 pm in the Sanctuary.

On Good Friday, we will open the Courtyard at 10 am until Noon to walk the Stations of the Cross on your own before the Good Friday Liturgy at Noon. At 6 pm, Father Ram will lead a walk through the Stations of the Cross.

Then you can join us for the Holy Saturday Liturgy at 10 am followed by preparation of the church for Easter Sunday!

Calling For High School Graduates

By | Community, Youth | No Comments

St. George Episcopal Church would like to present a special gift to each of our high school graduates to mark this momentous milestone in their lives, and we need your help. If you have a loved one that will be graduating from high school, please email your graduates’ name to Happy Wilson at, by Wednesday, April 13, so we can recognize them with this special gift!

Save the Date! Our Annual Pancake Supper is Back!!!

By | Community, Family Ministry, Fellowship | No Comments

We are SO EXCITED to announce that our annual Pancake Supper is back!! So come and join us on Shrove Tuesday, March 1, from 5:30-7:00 PM, to celebrate St. George style with pancakes, pancakes, and even more pancakes!  We will be serving pancakes, sausage, and fruit. Don’t forget to stick around for the pancake races!  We’ll also have music performed by a few of the music students! So come and join the fun!

Donations are accepted and will go to benefit the St. George Church Camp Scholarship Fund.  Click here to learn more about the different camps and conferences that this fund helps provide to members of our community.

Say YES to the next generation & Join our Children’s Chapel Volunteer Team!

By | Called to Serve, Children's Ministries, Community, Family Ministry | No Comments

Starting September 12, Children’s Chapel will be back on Sunday mornings, during the 10:00 am Worship service! We need volunteers to help with this ministry! There are opportunities for all, whether you wish to serve one Sunday or several Sundays a month! We invite anyone new to children’s ministry or seasoned volunteers, parents, grandparents, or empty-nesters, to give of their time to the littlest ones of our church and be a part of this wonderful ministry. Contact Happy Wilson at and say YES to our next generation!

Lessons and Carols

By | Community, Music Ministry | No Comments

Please join us on Sunday, December, 19th for our annual Lessons and Carols service at 10:00 AM. During this service, we will hear nine Scripture lessons, each followed by a musical piece provided by our Music Ministry team, choir and instrumentalists. This is a beautiful way to kick off your holiday season!


By | Charitable Giving, Community | No Comments

We will be adorning our altar on Christmas with poinsettias. Please consider a contribution toward the poinsettias “In Memory of” or “In Thanksgiving for” any loved ones you would like to honor. Please make all designations by clicking here and filling out our “Poinsettia Offering Form”. We will present our in memoriam and thanksgivings at our Christmas Eve services. Please send any questions to Keith Earle at