All posts by Keith Earle

Mission Trip 2020

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Youth who have completed grades 6-12 are invited to attend our annual summer Mission Trip!

This summer we will be working with an amazing organization called Reach Beyond Mission ( where we will head to Austin to work and learn about Food justice and injustice. The dates for this trip are July 5-10, cost is $400 (scholarships always available) and the last day to sign up is February 15. Please contact the Director of Youth Ministries, Taylor Brown, with any questions or to sign-up!

Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Supper

By | Community, Fellowship, Youth | No Comments

Join us for Shrove Tuesday on Tuesday, February 25.

We will be celebrating St. George style with pancakes, pancakes, and even more pancakes at our Annual Pancake Supper from 5:30-7:00 PM!

Along with the pancakes, we will be serving sausage and fruit. Don’t forget to stick around for the pancake races! Donations are accepted and will go to benefit the St. George Church Camp Scholarship Fund.

St. George School Open House

By | Community, Youth | No Comments

St. George Episcopal School invites you to attend an Open House on January 28 and 29 from 10:00 AM-11:30 AM.

The Open House will begin with a brief  presentation from the Head of School, Rob Devlin, followed by a tour of the campus. The program will conclude with a short Q&A session.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP by visiting our website, or emailing

Parish Annual Meeting

By | Community | No Comments

St. George Episcopal Church will be having our Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, January 26 at 9:30 AM, in between our worship services.

Come hear about all that God is doing and be a part of growing the family of God at St. George in 2020. The church will be providing tacos, coffee, juice, and childcare.

St. George Card Club

By | Adult Ministries, Community, Fellowship | No Comments

Start your new year right. Build your creativity muscle at the St. George Card Club.

Our break for the holidays is over and it is time to get started on new ideas and a great new year.

We hope you can join us to make cards for members of the congregation! No Talent Required; we will supply everything you need.

Bring a friend!

Why:          Because it is fun, and we provide a wonderful service to the church
Where:       St. George Leadership Center (upstairs)
When:        Saturday, January 18, 9:30 AM-12:00 PM

Please email Jennie Dietrich at with any questions.

Boomers & Bloomers

By | Adult Ministries | No Comments

Tuesday, January 14, from 10:00-12:00 PM

St. John Meeting Room

Presentation by Mary Flannigan of San Antonio Youth Literacy (SAYL). Several St. George parishioners are active as volunteer “reading buddies” in this program. SAYL targets second graders in Title 1 schools who are behind in their reading skills to help insure that they are up to par with classmates by the time they start third grade.