All posts by Keith Earle

Return to In-Person Worship: Pre-Screening/Reservation Instructions

By | Community, Worship | No Comments

As you may have heard, we are back for in-person worship at 8:30 AM in the Sanctuary. Doors open each Sunday at 8:15 AM  and you may use either entrance (Richards, or Sanctary  Narthex) for worship.  Parking is permitted in all of our lots if you are attending. We will have screening set up at both entrances to the Sanctuary. We are requiring that all attendees who are comfortable coming for in-person worship fill out our St. George Episcopal Church Pre-Screening/Reservation form by Sunday morning before they attend the service. This form will also be linked in each week’s eSpear electronic newsletter. This will speed up our on-campus screening and check-in process once you arrive. It will also help us anticipate the numbers attending and determine how we will set up the worship space. Remember, we are continuing to offer our 10:45 AM worship stream in the same format that we have been presenting each week, and we look forward to seeing you!

Below is a video I have provided that walks you through the Pre-Screening/ Reservation form so that you can anticipate what it will look like.

Click Here for St. George Pre-Screeing/Reservation form instructions. 


I am also including a fun video created by the staff to highlight what to expect for the return to in-person worship- This is what it looked like in the Parish Hall when we stared, however, it will be the same process in the Sanctuary. Take a look, and enjoy the fun spirit that went into this video!

Click here for the Welcome Back! A look at the return to in-person worship video.

If you do not receive our eSpear newsletter- Click Here to sign up. 

As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions. The rest of the team and I are here for you and want to support you in any way possible. Have a blessed rest of your week!



Keith Earle

Senior Director

Welcome Back!

By | From Fr. Ram | No Comments

Virtual Youth Group

By | Youth | No Comments

Sunday nights from 6:00-7:00 PM, the St. George Youth Group is getting together to hang on on Zoom! Fellowship is so important and this is a great way to continue to stay connected. If you are or have a youth in grades 6th-12th and would like to join, reach out to our Director of Youth Ministries, Taylor Brown, at for the Zoom invite! Hope to “see” you this Sunday!

Sunday Digital Fellowship & Formation Hour

By | Adult Ministries, Community, Fellowship | No Comments

Join us for our 8:30 AM Fellowship & Formation Hour on Sunday Mornings. Bring your coffee and enjoy this fellowship time in your own living room as you join this Zoom video gathering on Sunday mornings before our 10:00 AM worship stream.  Our Understanding the Gospel class starts at 9:00 AM on the same meeting. This will be a Zoom gathering at 8:30 AM. All you need to do is enable your camera and microphone. You may use cell phones, laptops, or computers. Contact Keith Earle at if you would like to join and he will send you the Zoom link to join.

Adult Ed On-Demand! A Lesson on Romans

By | Adult Ministries | No Comments

Adult Ed on Demand continues this week! You can learn at your own pace, as your life allows. Each week I will be posting a video that is accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation. I hope that you will find these videos illuminating and that you will email me with thoughts or questions as we move through the Canon.

See you online dear ones!

Pax Dei

Reverend Susan Burnham+


Click here for this week’s lesson! 

Chain of Love 2020

By | Charitable Giving | No Comments

Chain of Love 2020

Chain of Love 2020- To make a gift to support our longstanding partnership with our Sister School & Church, St. Beniot in Mombin Crochu, Haiti,  click the link below and select Chain of Love. Join us in being a part of the chain to make a difference!

Link to Give:


Counselor’s Corner

By | Community | No Comments
Counselor Corner
The Freedom in Letting Go
When we give up having to control everything-we can gain so much in return.
By: Taylor Brown
We as people like control. We like the assurance that whatever is coming, we can control the outcome no matter what. We crave this feeling of control because we believe that it’s what takes away the feelings of anxiety, worry, and panic. To a certain extent, it does…for a while. The machine we have created runs effortlessly until a pesky rock disrupts one of our perfectly placed cogs and the entire enterprise comes crashing to a halt. Our machines, rocks, cogs, and inevitable crashes are unique to everyone- but we are united in the experience of “I really thought I had this all under control.” Click here to read more.

Holy Week & Easter at St. George

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Holy Week and Easter at St. George 

All services will be LIVE on the St. George Episcopal Church Facebook page and will be posted on the  Youtube Channel  at a later point in the day. 

Monday – Wednesday, April 6-8 at 9:30 AM

Morning Prayer with Reflections 

Maundy Thursday, April 9 at 6 PM

An Order for Evening Worship with a reflection on Maundy Thursday and music. 

Good Friday, April 10 at 12:00 PM

Good Friday Liturgy 

Easter Sunday, April 12 at 10:00 AM

Easter Sunday Morning Prayer

Sunday Mornings Just Got more Fun for Kids!

By | Children's Ministries, Kids for Christ | No Comments
Kids of St. George will now have video lessons and activities provided for them each week, to use on Sunday mornings! Our awesome Formation Specialist, Ms. Sheyla Perez, has put together a Palm Sunday video lesson that you can watch from home! Just click here to listen to the Bible story! In addition to the Bible story, we have included links to several different videos:
Click here to make your own palm leaf
Click here for fun songs & dances
-To see age-appropriate videos about Palm Sunday (click here for JK-2nd) or (click here for 3rd-5th)!
Click here to watch different stations of the cross stories read by Ms. Perez.