All posts by Keith Earle

Holy Week Schedule

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Most of the Holy Week worship options will be online. The Stations of the Cross; the Holy Saturday liturgy; the Easter Eve Vigil and Baptism on Saturday evening; and the 7:15 AM Easter Sunday morning liturgy will not be broadcast.

The remaining worship options are listed in the schedule below:

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Holy Week Noon Eucharist:  Click the Zoom link below:

Our Maundy Thursday, Good Friday (Noon) and principal Easter Sunday liturgies will all be on our Facebook page.

For those who would like to do the stations of the cross on their own here is the e-booklet that you can access on your device.

May your Holy Week Journey be a blessing to your and your loved ones!


Family Movie Night- FRIDAY, JUNE 18

By | Called to Serve, Community, Summer of Service | No Comments

Movie Night is Happening Friday, June 18!


Come join us for a movie night under the stars. Except it will be in the gym because…mosquitos (and air conditioning). See details below. Please make sure to RSVP so that we can have enough broccoli, we mean chocolate. This family event is benefiting the San Antonio Food Bank. Please bring your own chairs and blankets. ALL are welcome! 


Movie: “The Parent Trap” (1998)

Date/Time: Friday,  June 18 @ 7:00 PM 

Location: St. George Gym

Snacks: Popcorn Bar with allllll the goodies

Admission: Please RSVP using this link. We are accepting non-perishable food items for your price of admission. Monetary donations are also welcome to help cover food costs. 


Christmas Eve and Day Services at St. George

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Christmas Eve at St. George:

-Christmas Eve Services this Thursday are at 2:00 PM-Outdoor Courtyard, 4:00 PM *-Sanctuary, & 7:00 PM -Sanctuary (4:00 PM is streamed online on Facebook as well)

– Pre-Register/Screen for in-person Christmas worship by CLICKING HERE

Christmas Day at St. George: 

– Christmas Day Service at 10:00 AM- Sanctuary

– Pre-Register/Screen for in-person Christmas worship by CLICKING HERE