Wednesday Book Study
The First Advent In Palestine: Reversals, Resistance, and the Ongoing Complexity of Hope
The Wednesday Wisdom Years Group has been enjoying studying this thought-provoking book.
Everyone is welcome!
Click here to purchase the book.

Little Italy Restaurant & Pizzeria
824 Afterglow St. @ West Ave.
Saturday, January 18, at 12 Noon.
Join other St. George ladies and friends for lunch, laughter, and fellowship at Little Italy.
RSVP by emailing Alana Woods (alana005@yahoo.com), by 5:00 PM, tonight, January 17!

Join Fr Ram and the Wednesday Wisdom Year Wonders at 9:20 am on Wednesday for Coffee in St John’s Room. Come and experience joyful fellowship, offering prayers together, serving others, learning and worshipping together. The Wednesday Schedule is below.
- 9:20 am Coffee with the Rector
- 9:30 am Sacred Stitches: Prayer Shawl Ministry
- 10:30 am Adult Bible Study (Boomers and Bloomers,
- 3rd Wed)
- Noon Healing and Holy Eucharist (All Souls’ Chapel)