All posts by Keith Earle

Food and Friendsgiving, Nov. 15

By | Adult Ministries, Community, Fellowship | No Comments

Food and Friends Gathering

Our First Food and Friends Gathering (30s – 50s Group) was a great success! We got to chat and learn more about those we didn’t know very well, and old friends also had the opportunity to spend some time together.

We all enjoyed fajitas and even got to celebrate a birthday with some birthday cake. We hope that you can join us for our Food and Friendsgiving on November 15!

You should receive an Evite soon, but if you want more information, please contact Jennifer Kirkland at

Jubilee Free Sale

By | Charitable Giving, Community | No Comments

An Outreach Activity for our St. George Community

Saturday, Nov. 9, 2019 – 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Location: This year’s JUBILEE FREE SALE will be held at the Churchill Baptist Church, 12400 Vista View.


Volunteering Opportunities

Friday, Nov. 8: Need 20+ Volunteers to help unload the moving van at Churchill Baptist and set up the sale from 6:00PM-9:00PM.

Saturday, Nov 9: Need 20+Volunteers to assist shoppers, maintain displays and clean up after sale. We will be working with volunteers from other churches. The Free Sale takes place from 9:00AM-1@:00PM. Start time that day for volunteers is 8:00 am.

For information and questions or to volunteer, please contact Julabeth Carden at 210-365-6377 or

Kids for Christ Service Opportunity @ Ronald McDonald House: Sunday, Nov. 17!

By | Kids for Christ, Youth | No Comments

Ronald McDonald House located at 4847 Sid Katz Dr. (210) 614-2554
Sunday, November 17 from 1:00-3:00 pm (Immediately following the New Consecration Sunday luncheon)
We will be baking tasty sweets for the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House

The Kids of KFC are invited to come and serve the families at the Ronald McDonald House on Sunday, November 17! We will be baking tasty sweets for the families to enjoy throughout the week! A SignUp Genius link will be sent out for RSVP’s as well as give individuals the opportunity to donate supplies needed for our baking extravaganza!

Note to Parents: Nov. 17 is New Consecration Sunday (NCS), which will be a one-service that begins at 10:00 AM. There is a luncheon to follow after the service. The kids will enjoy lunch with their families in the Parish Hall. We will depart immediately following the NCS luncheon and head to the Ronald McDonald House. We will need help chaperoning the kids. If there are any parents who are available to help transport and chaperone while at the facility, please let me know!

Looking forward to sharing this special service opportunity with the kids!

Ladies’ Lunch Bunch Christmas Luncheon, Dec. 7

By | Community, Fellowship | No Comments
When: Saturday, December 7, 2019, at 12:00 PM
Where: Oak Hills Country Club (5403 Fredericksburg Road, SAT 78229)
Details: All inclusive price, $35.00, Check or Cash only to Martha Bastian (no Credit Cards).
RSVP: Reservations to Martha Bastian, 210-341-5286, by 12-01-2019

Please join us for our Annual Christmas Luncheon on Saturday, December 7, at Oak Hills Country Club at 12:00 PM. The cost is $35.00 for the meal, coffee or tea, and dessert.

Call Martha Bastian at 210-341-5286 or Barbara Simon at 210-696-3546 no later than Sunday, December 1, for your reservation.  For any other questions, please call Martha Bastian.

All Aboard the Polar Express!-Sunday, December 8, 2-4

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It’s time for our annual Polar Express Party! Kids, come dressed in your pajamas and get comfy with your sleeping bag and pillow as you take a ride on the Polar Express! We’ll watch the Polar Express movie, have hot chocolate and cookies, and share in a whole lot of holiday fun! Space is limited!
WHEN: Sunday, December 8, 2:00-4:00 PM
WHERE: Parish Hall/School Cafeteria
WHO: Kids in Kinder-5th grade
WHY: For A Whole Lot of Fun!
Reserve your spot by emailing

San Antonio Youth Literacy – Reading Buddies Training

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Calling all those who wish to make an impact in the SA community and in children’s lives through reading!

San Antonio Youth Literacy (SAYL) is helping to move the needle on 3rd grade reading in San Antonio.  Research shows that young children who are not fluent readers by the end of 3rd grade may never catch up to their peers.  SAYL Reading Buddy Volunteers are matched with 2nd grade students in over seventy schools, and on average the students see an average improvement of four reading levels while also fostering their enjoyment of reading. We finished the past school year having 619 Reading Buddies, 8 which were from St. George Episcopal Church. The St. George Reading Buddies worked with 18 students for a total of 151 hours. On average, their students improved by 4 reading levels!

Visit to find out more about the Reading Buddy Program and how you can get be part of the SAYL Tribe.

What: San Antonio Youth Literacy- Reading Buddies Training

Where: St. John’s Room

When: Sat. October 19 from 9:30-11:00 AM

Questions? Contact: Julabeth Carden-

Look for more information in future eSpear editions and more!

Bloomers & Boomers 2019-2020 Schedule

By | Adult Ministries, Community, Fellowship | No Comments

Fall 2019–Spring 2020

September 10, 2019
Program: Food Bank
Coordinator: Paul and Peggy Foerster
Time: 9:20 at St. George and carpool to Food Bank

October 15, 2019
Program: St. George’s Stained Glass Windows
Coordinator: Jerry Canavit
Place: St. John Room and church
Time: 10:00-12:00

November 12, 2019
Program: Fellowship
Coordinator: Debbie Swindell
Place: St. John Room
Time: 10:00-12:00

December 10, 2019
Program: Christmas Luncheon and Dave May
Coordinator: Pat Lindemood
Place: St. John Room
Time: 10:00-12:00

January 14, 2020
Program: Reading Literacy
Coordinators: Paul and Peggy Foerster
Place: St. John Room
Time: 10:00-12:00

February 11, 2020
Program: Billy Sartor’s Alaska Adventures
Coordinators: Billy and Barbara Sartor
Place: St. John Room
Time: 10:00-12:00

March 10, 2020
Program: “Amazing Church People We Have Met”
Coordinators: Ron and Joyce Merrett
Place: St. John Room
Time: 10:00-12:00

April 14, 2020
Program: Categorizing the Willmann collection
Coordinator: Pam Piedfort, Marilynne Herbster, Linda Canas
Place: St. John Room
Time: 10:00-12:00

May 12, 2020
Program: Planning for Next Year
Coordinators: Everyone
Place: St. Mark Room
Time: 10:00-12:00

KFC Kickoff, Sept. 29

By | Fellowship, Youth | No Comments

Kids of KFC!

Come join us for an afternoon of fun as we kick-off our season at Main Event! Enjoy 2 fun-filled hours of unlimited access to all activities, with an added bonus of 1 hour of arcade game play, for only $10/pp! Financial assistance is always available as we don’t ever want money to keep a child from participating in any KFC event! Event details below:

What: KFC Kick-Off Event: 2 hours of unlimited play for $10/pp
Where: Main Event at 1911 Loop 1604
When: Sunday, September 29 from 2:00-4:00 pm

RSVP by clicking here

All Saints’ Day Service, Friday, Nov. 1, 6:30

By | Community, Fellowship | No Comments

Friday, November 1, at 6:30 PM
All Souls’ Chapel (Second floor of the Leadership Center)

All are invited to attend this worship liturgy and offer prayers of hope and thanksgiving as we remember all whom we love but see no longer. Tables will be set up in All Souls’ Chapel where you may place photos or other memorabilia of your loved ones. If your custom is to make an ofrenda, you are invited to place that in All Souls’ as well.

Members of the Daughters of the King will be Rededicating to their vows as part of the liturgy.

Kids’ Sunday Morning Programming at St. George!

By | Children's Ministries | No Comments

It’s great to be a kid at St. George on Sunday mornings! We have a fun-filled Fall planned….and it all kicked off this past Sunday, Sept. 8! We have programming for all ages! Details can be found below for Fun & the Son, our all-age Sunday school, as well as our Children’s & Kids for Christ Chapels! We look forward to another fun year with your kids!

Fun & the Son: Meets every Sunday…except on holiday weekends…at 9:45 am in the Youth & Family Room

Who says you have to wait for summer to go to Vacation Bible School?! You can have VBS on Sundays throughout the year. Join us this Sunday, Sept. 8, as we kick off our fall series of Fun & the Son: GAME ON; our VBS inspired Sunday School for kids in kinder-5th grade! During Fun & the Son: GAME ON kids engage in interactive bible lessons, play fun games and make snacks that relate to the bible theme of the day!
This fall, we’re going on an epic African adventure with ROAR, where the whole herd will be engaged! At ROAR, kids will explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life! So lace up those shoes, get in the spirit and join us on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM in the Youth & Family Room. We look forward to seeing you there! Breakfast is provided. While the kids are participating, we welcome parents to join in “The Wired Word” group study during this time in the Parish Hall!


Children’s Chapel (PreK-2nd grade) & Kids For Christ Chapel (3rd-5th grade): Meets every Sunday during the 10:45 am worship service

All our chapel lessons engage the kids in scripture through fun & action-packed activities! Over the next couple of weeks in September, we will be completing the Back to School series of lessons: Glorifying God at School. Last Sunday was our first lesson, Glorifying God on the playground! This Sunday, we learn how to Glorify God in the Cafeteria; kids will learn the importance of focusing on Christ and on the good things of the Spirit!

Sept. 15: Glorifying God in the Classroom

Sept. 22: Glorifying God on the Bus



Sneak Peek for October lessons: we will begin a new series called Monsters: Overcoming the Fear of Scary Things with God’s Help!

Sept. 29: The Monsters Out There: kids will learn to trust God with their fears.

Oct. 6:     The Monsters In Here: kids will learn to face their fear of failure and take risks when God leads them

Oct. 13:   Bigger than the Monsters: kids will learn to fear the Lord and love Him for all He’s done

Oct. 20:   The Monsters Up Ahead: kids will know they can trust God now and in the future.

Oct. 27:   Special October lesson called Pumpkin Seeds: kids will learn when we give what we have to God, no matter how small, he is able to use it and turn it into something GREAT!