All posts by Keith Earle

Baptisms – Next Date is January 17

By | Baptism | No Comments

The next scheduled date for child or adult Baptisms will be on Sunday, January 17 at the 10:45 AM worship service.  If you, or a family member, are interested in being Baptized, please let us know by completing the Baptismal Request Form (click here). This form is also linked in our weekly eSpear newsletter.  All candidates for Baptism, and their families, will meet with Fr. Ram at 9:30 AM on Sunday, January 3 in the Sanctuary for Baptismal prep.


Let Your Christmas Shopping Give to the Church

By | Charitable Giving | No Comments

If you do your Christmas shopping (or any shopping) at, St. George Episcopal Church can now receive 0.5% of your purchase total through Amazon Smile.  It’s a simple and easy way to support the work of the church during this busy Christmas season and beyond.

How does it work?

  • Instead of going to, go to or (click here).
  • Type ‘St. George Episcopal Church, and find the one in San Antonio, TX.
  • Click on our ‘Select’
  • Begin shopping! Every time you want to make a purchase at Amazon, go through and St. George will receive 0.5% of your purchase price without any increase to you.

Poinsettia Offerings

By | Uncategorized | No Comments
Each year, St. George Church offers the opportunity to remember or bless a loved one by purchasing a poinsettia in his/her honor for our Christmas Eve services.  If you wish for your donation to be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletins, please return your donation envelope, or give online, by December 21. Donation envelopes will be in the Sunday bulletins for the next two weeks. If you give online, please put “In thanksgiving for….” or “In memory of….” in the memo line on PayPal, or email your names to Haley Bankey at We request a minimum donation of $10 per poinsettia.  For more information, click here.

Thank you to the Kahlig Auto Group

By | Community | No Comments

St. George extends a sincere thank you to the Kahlig Auto Group for its donation of $3000 to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund to “[help] some of [our] families at Christmas”  We are grateful to Billy Vaughn, who along with his wife Susie, are wonderful and generous friends of the St. George Community.  Billy and Susie’s children attended St. George School and maintain a passion for the outreach ministry done by our St. George Community.

Kids for Christ – “Mission: Possible” is Mission Accomplished!

By | Children's Ministries, Kids for Christ | No Comments

Kids for Christ successfully completed “Mission: Possible” as they took to the streets to do “Secret Service” work around the Castle Hills area! Team Red & Team Blue’s mission was to spread cheer for all to hear by performing at least five acts of kindness around the area.
Missions we completed include:
·Spreading words of Kindness by writing notes of kindness and inspiration on sticky notes and placing them on windows of cars and mirrors
·Popping with Kindness where they taped microwave popcorn to random Redbox kiosks
·Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere where they left bottles of bubbles around the park area for kids to enjoy
·Kindness for the Red & Blue where they took boxes of cookies to the Castle Hills Police Dept. and Fire Dept
·Dollar for a Smile where they taped $1 bills to random items of their choosing in the Dollar Store for others to use
·Door to Kindness where they had to open the door for people
·Coin Drop where they placed quarters in gumball machines for others to use

The kids had a GREAT time running around performing these acts of kindness! They knew their mission of spreading cheer was complete when they received many smiles from those they came in contact with! Afterwards we all met in the park and enjoyed a celebratory cookie cake!

This mission could not have been possible without the efforts of these fabulous kids AND the parents who helped drive them around! Thank you to Stacy Talley, Julie McLaughlin, Michelle de la Garza, Kate Castellano and Mary Howe for going on this “Secret Service” adventure with us!

Way to Go, St. George School!

By | Community | No Comments

Out of 120 schools….St. George Episcopal School was named a winner of the Ken Bastian Community Service Award at the 2015 Southwestern Association of Episcopal School’s Biennial Conference.

This award is presented to a member school of the Association that has established an exemplary means of encouraging students to give of themselves in some form of community service or service learning.

Thanksgiving Potluck Thank You!

By | Fellowship | No Comments

What a great time we had celebrating with our St. George Family last Sunday! The Men of St. George-the Dragonslayers, set the tables, prepared delicious turkey for us and our parishioners, (or should I say chefs?), provided the wonderful side dishes. Fun, food and fabulous fellowship was enjoyed by all!