All posts by Keith Earle

The Wired Word

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We are looking forward to class this weekend! We didn’t have the number expected for last week’s class so we again enjoyed a fellowship time, which is still very fulfilling. Hopefully, we will be able to resume the next chapter in the book “Inspired” by Rachel Held Evans this week. This book has been such a great conversation starter. Hope to see you there!!

Reminder: this will be our last class ’til March 24 as we line up with “Tacos with Taylor” and “Fun and the Son” youth and children’s formation classes, and they’re not holding class the two weekends of spring break. We have found that it is has been the most productive use of our resources to not have class during 3-day weekends and holiday weeks due to the dip in attendance amongst families.

We always have the gathering area “coffee hour” and nursery care during the 9:30-10:30 hour as you come to worship. This is a great time of fellowship before worship and there is always food and goodies to feed those who come.

Pancake Supper Is Almost Here!

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Join us for Shrove Tuesday on Tuesday, March 5. We will celebrate “St. George style” with pancakes, pancakes, and even more pancakes at our Annual Pancake Supper from 5:30-7:00 PM!

Along with the pancakes, we will be serving sausage and fruit. Don’t forget to stick around for the pancake races! Donations are accepted and will go to benefit the St. George Church Camp Scholarship Fund. Click here to learn more about the different camps and conferences that this fund helps provide to members in our community.

Coffee and Conversation

By | Adult Ministries | No Comments

Last Sunday the class read and “conversed” about three of the Bible verses in Question 7 for Chapter 1 in Max Lucado’s book “Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World.” Max prompts us to note the promises in these verses:

  1. Proverbs 3:5-6. ”Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.”
  2. Matthew 11:28-30. “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
  3. John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you;not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Some discussion centered on how the “yoke” (of oxen, for example) would perhaps have had more meaning to the people of 2000 years ago at the time the Gospels were written. One class member interpreted the Matthew passage as meaning our part of the burden will be lighter when we are yoked with God who will take part of our load. Another commented that we might be less burdened if we are yoked to Christ rather than to a worldly load. Yet another speculated that this passage might have changed meaning through mistranslations over 2000 years.

There was more lively discussion that this letter is too short to elaborate on. Hope as many of you who are able can join us in class this Sunday, 2/24/19 (normal time and place, between services starting at 9:45 in St. Mark’s Room, second floor in the Leadership Center), as we encounter more of Max Lucado’s questions relating to relief of anxiety.

In Christ,
Peggy and Paul Foerster

Baptismal Preparatory Class

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The next baptismal preparation training will be offered on Sunday, February 24, at 9:45 am in the Sanctuary. The training covers the theology of the Baptism service and a walk-through of the service. Parents and God-parents/Sponsors are encouraged to attend.

Surprise Legacy Updates Sanctuary

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Gene Rachels came to visit St. George one Sunday; Paul and Peggy Foerster invited him to lunch, and he knew he had found his church home. Having retired from the military, he adopted San Antonio as his home and was happy to find a church where he felt welcome immediately.

Gene didn’t just attend on Sundays – he volunteered for a number of positions, most notably greeter. He was the quintessential greeter who always had a smile on his face and a kind word for everyone. He would ask about your family and love waiting to hear the answers. Not only was he a greeter, we was also an Office Angel, regularly stuffing Sunday bulletins and preparing packets for our shut-ins. He was active in Jerry Fulenwider’s men’s group too.

Sadly, Gene began a fierce battle with cancer, but when he was able, he was in attendance at St. George. The battle was one of ups and downs as he improved and declined a number of times, but never did his smile or his grace leave him, even at his sickest. Upon his death, Gene received a glorious send off to heaven in a Ft. Sam Houston military funeral. As I watched the funeral, I had to smile and think of how it suited him so well.
Sometime later we were notified that Gene had left a bequest in his will for St. George. Imagine everyone’s surprise to hear that that bequest totaled $60,000. I can imagine his smiling face as he anticipated the surprise of his church family.

The timing of the bequest was serendipitous as it came just after the new Leadership Center was opened. Immediately Ram donated $10,000 to the camp scholarship fund because of Gene’s love for children and children’s ministries. Additionally, Gene’s generosity paid for the refurbishment of the sanctuary to match the other new campus buildings, including new flooring, new paint, kneelers, pew pads, pew refinishing, Bibles, Prayer Books, and more. The renovation of the bathrooms across from the parish hall was celebrated by all. Finally Gene’s largesse paid for the Adirondack chairs on the patio of the Leadership Center. It just so happened that the Head of School Rob Devlin and Father Ram were standing on the patio one day looking over the beauty of the courtyard, discussing how the patio needed comfortable chairs for enjoying the scenery and engaging in peaceful conversations. Thus Gene’s money provided those chairs.

The beauty of the way in which Gene’s bequest was used is how he was represented in the choices. He was a greeter and a loyal Sunday parishioner, he loved children, and he loved conversations with those in his church family. We can all thank him every Sunday when we see his gifts and know the heart he had for St. George and its people.

Written by Pam Piedfort with thanks to Haley Bankey for remembering the details

2019 Save the Dates (Just a Few Highlights)

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February 28-March 2   MS Musical –Mary Poppins, Jr. 

March 5   Shrove Tuesday @ 5:30 PM
March 6   Ash Wednesday @ 7:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 7:00 PM
April 14   Palm Sunday
April 18   Maundy Thursday @ 7:00 PM
April 19   Good Friday @12:00 PM
April 21   Easter Sunday
April 29   Chain of Love
May 19   Bishop’s Confirmation Visit, High School Graduate Recognition
July 8-11   Vacation Bible School

Generosity Funds Pastoral Ministry

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Clara Willmann was a tiny lady who has had an outsized impact on the pastoral care work of St. George Church in the 36 years since the inception of the Clara B. Willmann Trust. Although we hear and read about the Trust often in our church life, many of us may not know the story. Clara was a parishioner who had a vision of the people of St. George doing the work of Jesus among those struggling with emotional, spiritual, and physical needs. So much did she have a passion for the work that she gave 61% (or about $625,000) of her estate for the ongoing pastoral care of the St. George community. Part of the subsequent trust was the Willmann family home on Castle Lane, known as the Willmann House, which has been used over the years for everything from temporary housing for parishioners to youth group gatherings to temporary church offices during the recent capital campaign.

The purpose of the trust was specifically and narrowly laid out to meet Clara’s wishes to establish a Pastoral Care Ministry at St. George. As stated in the Trust documents, “Pastoral care ministries are caring and healing ministries, as demonstrated by the life, teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ, to individual people dealing with their individual, as opposed to group, needs and involve meeting and dealing, in a personally caring way, with the human emotional, spiritual and physical needs of hurting people.”

The Willmann Board has been invested and stewarded since the initial very generous contribution for 38 years with the interest income being used as Clara requested. The Trust provides for a salaried pastoral care administrator who is currently Marilynne Herbster. She monitors the pastoral care needs of St. George parishioners and keeps the trustees informed as to the ongoing programs. Parishioners and agencies in the San Antonio area can apply for grants which are dispersed yearly. For instance, last year grants were given to Christian Assistance Ministry, Larkspur Elementary School, Magdalena House, Pay It Forward (Clean and Sober Living), and West Avenue Compassion Center.

Clara Willmann’s generosity has made a dramatic impact on St. George life, insuring that the work of Jesus among the emotionally, physically, and spiritually hurting continues.

 By Pam Piedfort

KFC Celebrated Valentine’s Day at The Forum Assisted Living

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The weather this past Sunday might have been cloudy & misty, but the spirit of our KFC kids was full of sunshine!! We had 13 of our Kids for Christ (3rd-5th grade) kids gather and share a warm meal together, while they made sweet Valentine cards for the residents at The Forum Assisted Living. Afterwards, a group of parents drove the kids down to The Forum, where we all shared a heartwarming afternoon playing Bingo with some very grateful & joyful residents!

It was amazing to see the love in the hearts of the kids & residents as they interacted with one another.

One resident, Ms. Scott, didn’t have plans to play Bingo that afternoon, but came down only after being told that her young friend Ella Holbrook was there, hoping to spend the time with her! Friendships were reunited and new bonds were made that afternoon, making it a wonderful day that both the kids of KFC and the residents at The Forum will always remember!

A HUGE thank you to Violet Hutcheson, Sandra Goodwin, Cari Holbrook, Caanan Blake, and Justin Howe for helping to prepare the lunch, oversee the valentine making and transporting the kids to The Forum! We could not have done this without you!!