On Saturday, January 16th, twenty-seven St. George School Beta Club members participated in service projects at the two local Ronald McDonald Houses. The Ronald McDonald House crews split into two groups which met at the local houses to donate three hours of our time. Helping at the downtown location were Zac Addkison, Kevin Black, Katherine Book, Jillian Burns, Tim Clary, Cecilia Garcia, Gabriela Garcia, Cardo Gutierrez, Kristen Lannom, Parker Lannom, Kyle Meister, Nico Pacheco, Ty Short, and Erin Stewart. The Medical Center location participants include Jalen Appleby, Ian Bick, Lauren Bick, Bella Church, Ethan Church, Diego Gonzales, Sara Homma, Pierce Kasson, Gabriela Notzon, Nico Pacheco (Yes, he worked both shifts at both locations!), Gia Pisano, Trey Plante, Kelsey Selva, and Jacob Stidham. Each group prepared a meal of homemade chicken noodle soup, salad, bread, and brownies for 40 people and also performed some light house cleaning. We had a great time being chefs in the Ronald McDonald House kitchens as well as putting our cleaning skills to good use. Club sponsors who led the project were Keith Earle and Rebecca Voyles. The Beta Club would like to especially thank Linda Addkison, Mireya Appleby, Nicky Gonzales, Kristene Stewart, and Maria Zamora for being the supervising parents during these special service activities. The St. George Beta Club is proud of our continued service to our community.