All posts by Keith Earle

First Communion Classes

By | Children's Ministries, Youth | No Comments

We will be holding First Communion classes beginning January 19 during the 10:45 AM worship service! Any baptized child in the 1st-5th grades are invited to attend this 5-week class series! The curriculum we will be using is modeled on the Eucharist format:

  • We Gather (Lesson 1)
  • We Hear and We Respond to the Word of God (Lesson 2)
  • We Offer our Gifts (Lesson 3)
  • We Celebrate (Lesson 4)
  • We are Sent Out (Lesson 5)

Because children learn with all their senses, activities, and instruction will be included that engage them throughout each lesson.

The classes will be led by Happy Wilson in Multi-Purpose Room (Middle School building) during the 10:45 AM worship service on the following Sundays: Jan. 19, Jan. 26, Feb. 2, Feb. 9, Feb. 16. Fr. Ram will lead lesson 4, We Celebrate, on Feb. 9 after the 10:45 AM worship service. The First Communion service will take place on Sunday, May 3.

You may register your child for First Communion classes by contacting Happy Wilson at

Coffee & Conversation – A Reminder

By | Adult Ministries | No Comments

Dear Fellow Coffee & Conversation Class

Last Sunday we read and discussed the first nine pages of Chapter 2, “Jesus Who Knew Everything,” in Barbara Cawthorne Crafton’s book Come Here, Jesus. An Episcopal priest for 40 years, she relates her early struggles with questions such as, “Did Jesus ever make mistakes? Were there things he didn’t know?”

She points out instances (especially in John’s Gospel) where Jesus seems to sail thought events with calm confidence, such as knowing all about the Samarian woman he encountered at Jacob’s well. At other times, Jesus seems disturbed and weeps, for instance upon learning of Lazarus’ death.

Our class came alive in this discussion, several members disagreeing with Barbara’s conclusion that showing emotion was a sign that there were things that Jesus did not know.

Another springboard for discussion arose when Barbara pointed out that Matthew’s Gospel traces Jesus’ lineage from David through Joseph, not through Mary. How does this correlate with the Virgin Birth? As of the time we stopped on page 25, she has not reconciled this issue. We won’t spoil your fun by telling you how (or even ”if”) the issue is addressed.

Hope to see you in class this Sunday, 1/12/20, normal time and place—between services, 9:45 a.m., in St. Mark’s Room, upstairs in the Leadership Center.

In Christ,
Peggy and Paul Foerster

Impact Report – Thanksgiving Drive and Jubilee Free Sale

By | Adult Ministries, Called to Serve, Community | No Comments

This month’s Impact Report features Marti and Andy Nodine’s facilitating an annual Thanksgiving food drive and St. George support for the Jubilee Free Sale. Read about how folks from St. George support these ministries in the December Impact Report.

Many St. George parishioners touch the lives of people every day in Antonio and throughout the world as they “love and serve” in the name of God. “Stories of Humanity and Healing” seeks to share with you the human stories of that work. Do you have a story to share of reaching out to your fellow human beings? If so, please send it to

Advent Wreath Making in the Parish Hall, Dec. 1, 10:00

By | Community, Fellowship | No Comments

Calling all families with or without kids!

December 1 is the 1st Sunday in Advent: a special season in our church when we prepare our hearts for the arrival of Jesus Christ! Each family will make their own Advent wreath (supplies included) to use throughout the Advent season. This is a wonderful event to kick-off the Advent season. It will be a fun and wonderful experience for families . . . so come and join us. We hope to see you there!

Pearl Trio Recital, Nov. 16

By | Community | No Comments

November 16
5:00 PM
The Commons Room of the St. George Leadership Center
The Pearl Trio is back this year to support the San Antonio Youth Literacy, SAYL through the next St. George Fine Arts series event for the Fall. Made up of our own pianist, Vivienne Spy, violinist Karen Styles, and cellist Barbara Paddock George, The Pearl Trio will be performing some of the greatest classical repertoire for trios. All are members of the San Antonio Symphony Orchestra. Come to hear fine classical music and to support SAYL!