“Liturgy” means “the work of the people.” Our worship is not the sole work of the ordained clergy. It belongs to everyone attending worship. From full-throated participation in the responses to serving in one of our worship ministries, our worship is vibrant when all of God’s people help lead.
There are specific opportunities to help our worship ministries in some specific ways. These are listed below with contact information (just click on the name).
Hospitality Ministry – Provide a warm welcome to our worship attendees; provide general help to our first-time visitors; assist with passing the offering plates; assist with communion flow. Visit one of our Hospitality Ministers on Sunday or Jennifer Kirkland for more information.
Acolytes – Participate in the weekly worship; assist the clergy in setting the altar. Contact Fr. Ram for more information.
Lectors and Lay Eucharistic Ministers – Lectors (Readers) and Lay Eucharistic Ministers (assist with the administration of communion) are licensed by the Bishop of West Texas and trained locally. Please contact Pam Carter (Lectors); Susan Alwais (Lay Eucharistic Ministers) or Fr. Ram for more information.
Altar Guild – The Altar Guild works behind the scenes to prayerfully provide set up for our worship services, specifically the Holy Eucharist. Contact Alana Woods or any Altar Guild member for more information.
Music Ministry – The Music Ministry welcomes anyone who desires to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Vocalists and instrumentalists of any skill level are welcome. Please contact Bernadette Williams or Shannon Earle for more information.
Media Ministry – Members of the Media Ministry help with the weekly slides with the liturgy. Anyone interested in helping with the Media Ministry may contact Molly Henry or Bernadette Williams. Anyone who would like to learn more about helping with our Audio-Visual or Livestreaming should contact Keith Earle.