Adult and Youth Confirmation classes are forming beginning this Sunday, March 8.
Confirmation and Reception in the Episcopal Church is done whenever the Bishop visits the parish. Our visitation is scheduled for Sunday, May 3rd.
The Book of Common Prayer describes Confirmation as a “mature, public affirmation of faith.” It signifies an intention to live out one’s faith within this particular expression of the Body of Christ – St. George. It affirms our commitment to offer our lives to the mission and ministry of Christ through St. George in a variety of ways. All baptized – young and old – are invited to share their gifts as members of this faith community.
If you are new to St. George or if your child is 6th grade or older, come and learn more about Confirmation this Sunday.
Below are links for the sign-up forms. This will help us prepare for your participation in the gathering.
Youth (6th grade and higher): https://goo.gl/forms/ gnLwuOvR4pGrrYpO2