A Letter from the Rector

October 6, 2016 From Fr. Ram

Dear Friends in Christ,

Life at St. George is vibrant and moving!  God’s Spirit is roaming freely tending and shaping our common life!

I want to share some dates with you so that you can circle them on your calendars.  Some of these dates represent changes to previous calendars.  So where there is a conflict with older calendars, please use these dates instead.  And look for articles that will give more detail.

October 30 – Promise Plan Ingathering at both worship times followed a Picnic on the Green with opportunities to have some All Hallows’ Eve fun with our children.

November 6Sunday after All Saints’ Day with Holy Baptisms and Daughters of the King Corporate Communion.

November 13 – Bishop Robert Hibbs, retired Suffragan, for Adult Confirmation, Reception and Renewal of Baptismal Vows.

November 20 – St. George Community Thanksgiving Celebration with turkeys courtesy of our Dragonslayers Men’s Group to complement your favorite Thanksgiving side dish or dessert.

November 27 – First Sunday of Advent and blessing of our new Advent Altar hangings and accouterments.

Please read your eSpear and Sunday bulletin closely.  There are many opportunities for each one of us to grow closer to God and to one another in Christ Jesus.

Many blessings abound here at St. George!
