An Outreach Activity for our St. George Community
Saturday, Nov. 9, 2019 – 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Location: This year’s JUBILEE FREE SALE will be held at the Churchill Baptist Church, 12400 Vista View.
Volunteering Opportunities
Friday, Nov. 8: Need 20+ Volunteers to help unload the moving van at Churchill Baptist and set up the sale from 6:00PM-9:00PM.
Saturday, Nov 9: Need 20+Volunteers to assist shoppers, maintain displays and clean up after sale. We will be working with volunteers from other churches. The Free Sale takes place from 9:00AM-1@:00PM. Start time that day for volunteers is 8:00 am.
For information and questions or to volunteer, please contact Julabeth Carden at 210-365-6377 or kittylady46@yahoo.com.