The Sunday before Thanksgiving, the Holy Spirit moved powerfully among members of St. George Church and School as we assembled 15 Dinner Boxes for families in need. The Beta Club, under the leadership of Keith Earle, had sorted hundreds of items to hasten the process. Offering this food enabled inner city clients of Christian Assistance Ministry (CAM) to celebrate our nation’s precious sense of optimism, our faith in God and our gratitude for living in this wonderful country.
Together we provided whole turkeys, a wide range of canned fruits and vegetables, soup mix and cereal, loaves of bread and a pumpkin pie. Our clients, who often waited hours to see whether they would qualify, responded with tears of relief and joy—along with the knowledge that they were lovingly remembered.
Your CAM volunteers feel blessed to have your generous, enthusiastic support as we work together to help those less fortunate.
Carol Molina, Paul Carr, Paul Warner, Stella and David Silva, Andy and Marti Nodine