Following the completion of our Sanctuary Revitalization project this past summer, St. George had many used Hymnals and Books of Common Prayer that were taken out of the pews and replaced with new ones. Thanks to the missional thinking of the Vestry, our used books were taken out to Camp Capers this past Friday as a donation to replace their current set of books. If you’ve been to Camp recently, you are aware that the Hymnals and BCPs out there were in need of retirement. Camp Capers is thankful for the generous gift from St. George, and we are thankful for the work and ministry done at Capers. Thank you to Jerry Carden for taking the books out to Waring, and another thank you to Gene Rachels, whose legacy gift funded the majority of the Sanctuary Revitalization.
The picture shows Meredith Rogers, Program Director of Camp Capers, happily accepting our gently used books!