July Summer of Service: Backpack and School Supply Drive in Collaboration with The North Central Convening of Churches
Thanks to your generosity, we have been doing well with donations of the items on the list that was previously published. We’ve decided to move forward with the second half of the list of supplies for first and second grade backpacks. If you have already planned to bring items from the previous list, please do so. If you have not yet had a chance to do your shopping and can bring items from the following list, that would be great. We still need backpacks to be donated. As always, if you would rather donate money and have us do your shopping for you, we are happy to do so (click here for the link). Thank you!
- Backpacks – Suitable for first or second graders
We will stuff the donated back packs with supplies, so please bring one or more of the following items.
- 8 oz Elmer’s Glue
- Glue Sticks (6 required for 1st graders, 4 required for 2nd graders)
- Plastic Supply Box (9” X 6” X 2”)
- 12” Standard/Metric Ruler
- 12 ct. Colored Pencils
- 200 ct wide ruled Notebook paper (2 packages/backpack)
- Large pink eraser
- Box 200 ct. Non-Scented Kleenex (2 boxes/backpack)
You may drop your items off at the Leadership Center from 9-2 on Monday-Friday. You can also bring them by on Sunday.
Click here for information on our website about the North Central Convening of Churches and Larkspur Elementary.
Don’t have a chance to shop? Please consider offering a cash donation so we can pick up the needed items for you. Click here to make the donation via PayPal. You can also give cash or check in an envelope marked with ‘Summer of Service.’