Thank you for helping us make our first month of our Summer of Service such a success! In July, we will get a early start with our annual backpack/school supply drive for children at Larkspur Elementary and other area schools in conjunction with the North Central Convening of Churches. Throughout the month, we will stuff backpacks with all the required supplies for first and second graders so that they have what they need for school on their very first day!
Project: Backpack and School Supplies for Central Convening of Churches
Priority Donation Items needed by Friday, July 1
We need your help. At this point, we are behind in our donations for this Sunday.
- Backpacks – Suitable for first or second graders
We will stuff the donated back packs with supplies, so please bring one or more of the following items.
- Boxes of 24 count #2 pencils
- Boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons (each backpack needs two boxes)
- 5″ Pointed Fiskar Scissors
- Wide-ruled Composition Book (70 page books)
- Spiral Notebooks
- 9″X12″ Packages Assorted Construction Paper-Loose
- Boxes of Crayola Classic Broadtip Washable Markers
The details-
When – 10:00 AM
Where – The Gathering Area outside the nursery
Who – Everyone
What – Sorting School Supplies and Stuffing Them Into Backpacks
Why – St. George is Called to Serve! And It’s Fun!
Click here for information on our website about the North Central Convening of Churches and Larkspur Elementary.
Click here if you would like to see the list of items that we need to have donated for the entire Summer of Service.