All posts by Keith Earle

Parish Retreat at Camp Capers

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Come experience the beauty of the Texas Hill Country and the refreshing presence of God at Camp Capers the weekend of April 1-3.

It will be a time to be with your family, friends, and your family in Christ at a peaceful location. The new lodge will hold up to 80 people and has been reserved for us. Come and be a part of this great time to connect with others in the St. George community. All ages are welcome to attend this retreat where we will sing, pray, worship, play and learn. Our theme for the weekend will be “The Joy of the Lord is our strength.” Click here for more information on Camp Capers.

Schedule & Meals

  • Arrive and Check-In Friday, April 1 after 6:00 PM.
  • Dinner on your own as you drive to Camp Capers.
  • Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner included in fees.
  • Sunday breakfast included in fees.
  • Sunday Eucharist at Camp Capers, then depart for lunch on your own as you drive home.

Pricing (Financial Assistance Available If Needed)

  • Please make checks payable to “St. George Episcopal Church” and put “Parish Retreat” on the memo line.
  • To pay with debit/credit card, please use the PayPal button coming soon. A 3% processing fee has been added for all card purchases.
  • Family of One: $94.00 for whole weekend ($50 lodging & $44 meals)
  • Family of Two: $138.00 for whole weekend ($50 lodging & $88 meals)
  • Family of Three: $182.00 for whole weekend ($50 lodging & $132 meals)
  • Family of Four: $226.00 for whole weekend ($50 lodging & $176 meals)
  • For larger families, please include $44 for meals for each additional family member. If you require a second room, please add $50 for additional lodging.
  • Saturday Only (No overnight): $50 which includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • ***Children under two are free, please don’t count them in your pricing.

Registration Payment

Use this form to register your family.  There is a lot of interest and we will accept registrations on a first come, first served basis.  For general inquiries, please email and we will be glad to help you out.

Station 3 – Reflection Series “Stations of the Cross”

By | A Lenten Journey | No Comments

3 StationAs I reflect upon Jesus bearing the weight of the cross and falling for the first time, I am overwhelmed, and humbled.  The cross he bore was for the world, for all who fall short, and all who have sinned. The cross he bore was for me. This has always been one of the hardest things for me to accept as a Christian walking on my journey. Many times I have struggled and fallen, but through his grace I am redeemed and brought back to my feet and given more than I could ask or imagine.  This grace is so powerful and it is because of this grace that I learn so many valuable lessons as I grow in my faith.

Not so long ago I found myself in the midst of a failing relationship built on the weight of expectations that I could no longer bear.  I thought that this relationship was what people expected of me, and I kept it going at all cost. I was crushed and bruised and slowly drifted away from my center, my faith, because I could not make my false self in this relationship fit into who I knew I was truly called to be.  In my fear of failure and anxiety about being lost and forever “stuck” in the situation, I withdrew from engaging in life and became a shell of myself.  I found myself making choices that only dimmed my joy for the world and stole my love of all that God had provided me with.  It was through my lowest places that I began to realize that I was made for more than this. I began to deepen my prayers to God, asking him to give me strength to do what was best for my life. God provided, and I finally found a circle of strength, and those people through prayer and guidance helped me to see a path that led me to a healthier place and ultimately guided me to the relationship with God that I have today.

I am a person who lives in fear of the fall, however as I grow in my faith I realize that I am truly never too far gone from our Lord.   The fall, and the process of falling and getting back up again has led me to grow into a deeper understanding of the compassion of our Lord.  I have begun to look for ways to hold up the expectations of God in my life, rather than trying to bear the weight of what others expect from me. The weight of others’ expectations of me has been the thing that drives me away from my faith center. By keeping God at the center as my compass, I can learn to lean on my faith in the times when I am feeling pulled or crushed.  As I grow, I am learning to be thankful for the journey I experience through the fall, as it teaches me to walk more humbly with my God.

-Keith Earle

Diocesan Council Reports and Documents

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The 112th Diocesan Council has come to a close, but you can still access all the reports and documents on the Council website at Every post is available on the home page, or you may scroll down, and on the right-hand side, choose “audio reports <> ” or “video reports <> .”

Many of the reports given at Diocesan Council are available in audio format. Videos available include Bishop Lillibridge’s address, Bishop Reed’s address, Bishop Reed’s Eucharist sermon, and Ministry Moments, as well as a few other reports.

All documents distributed at Council are on the Go Green page <> , including the election results, resources for Sharing Faith Dinners, and the Diocesan Profile for the election of a Bishop Suffragan. Also available are copies of both bishops’ addresses.

Stay tuned for details regarding the election of a bishop suffragan, to be held during the 113th Diocesan Council in Corpus Christi on Saturday, February 25, 2017. You can also view and/or print the Diocesan Profile distributed at Council on the diocesan website at

Laura Shaver
Communications Officer
Episcopal Diocese of West Texas

Daughters of the King – Next session March 6

By | Adult Ministries, Called to Serve | No Comments

It is not too late to become a Daughter of the King!  We had a great time on Sunday, February 21 at 12:30 as 18 women gathered in the Leadership Center for the first study session to become a Daughter of King.  We have 3 study sessions to go.  Lunch will be provided (Lenten soup lunch on March 6 and 20 in the Parish Hall right after the service), then we move to the Leadership Center at 12:30. The remaining dates are March 6March 20 and April 10.  We begin at about 12:30 p.m. and meet for one hour.  We will install the new daughters during the bishop’s visit on May 1 with Bishop Gary Lillibridge.

Have you heard of the Daughters of the King?  Have you wondered what it is?  Have you wondered if it is something you could or should do?  Is God calling you to be more?  The Daughters of the King are a group of Christian women who adopt a Rule of Life based on the promises of our Baptismal Covenant.   Prayer, Service and Evangelism are the keys to the Daughters of the King.  Pray about it.  Consider becoming a member of the Order of the Daughters of the King.

Please contact Susan Alwais if you are interested in becoming a Daughter of the King or if you have questions at 210-710-9513 or e-mail at  We are very excited to fulfill God’s call to serve!

The Mitchell McGregor Fullen Scholarship to St. George Episcopal School

By | Community, Youth | No Comments

The Mitchell McGregor Fullen Scholarship is a partial scholarship available to provide financial aid to any St. George Church or School family. This scholarship was established in 1987 by the Fullen family in memory of their son Mitchell who lost his young life in a tragic accident. To quote his mother, Patricia Fullen Whitehouse, “When you have a child die, it is difficult, and your hope is that they will be remembered, not forgotten.”  Mitchell himself benefited from a scholarship to attend the school and the family wanted to gift others in Mitchell’s name.

Anyone interested in applying for this scholarship must have successfully completed enrollment or re-enrollment at St. George Episcopal School and applied through the School’s regular Financial Aid process. Families should then write a letter to the Rector of St. George Church asking to be considered for the Fullen Scholarship. Please check with the School Office for information and procedures for applying for Financial Aid. The deadline for the priority date is March 20.

Reflection Series- “Stations of the Cross” – Station 2

By | A Lenten Journey | No Comments

“…and he went out, bearing his own cross…”

Every time I read this passage I am struck by these words: “bearing his own cross.” Yes, Jesus may 2 Stationhave physically carried that cross, but it was not “his” cross he bore.  It was ours.  We’re taught this from a very young age, that Jesus died for our sins, but then when I read the scripture, I can’t help but notice the word play; not “ours,” but “his.” He died for us. He chose to die for us.

Reflecting on this passage, it is all too easy to go over the laundry list of regrets that I may have, or mistakes that I may have made in life. In our secular society, we tend to focus on how we messed up rather than what we learned.  We hear from society how we’re falling short, and not living up to our potential. We all mess up. We all have moments in life that can be seen as failures. We all fall short. These can easily weigh us down and burden us, just as the cross burdened Jesus as he carried it to Calvary Hill.

Instead of seeing these life-moments as failures and short comings, I choose to see them as opportunities to learn. I choose to live a life without regretting mistakes I’ve made. I choose to live a life celebrating who I am, including all my flaws. I choose to live a life based on the Arabic phrase “Haiatek saiedah,” which means “Your life be happy.”  Every experience in our lives shares with us a lesson in how to be a better person, and it is our Christian duty to take those lessons and offer them as solace and aid to others when we can. I often falter and get caught in the downward spiral of self-doubt and human inadequacy, but then the scripture centers me and reminds me of my call in life.

Jesus took on our burdens and died for our sins, not so we could be free from care and responsibility, but so that we could take our burdens and use them to help and care for others.  Our burdens and trials are nothing compared to what he endured, no matter how much they hurt us. He taught us that it is possible to rise again on the other side of hardship, to live life in a way that shares the burdens of our fellow man, and to come together as a community of faith to support and love one another through our imperfections.


–Haley Bankey

Reflection Series- “Stations of the Cross” – Station 1

By | A Lenten Journey, From Fr. Ram | No Comments

Station 1 – Jesus is Condemned to Death

1 Station

Jesus is Condemned

The world is full of many beautiful sights.  In my own travels I have seen the beauty of the mesa in New Mexico, cathedrals and castles in England, and historical sights in the Boston and Washington DC.  I have seen the brightly lit streets in Times Square in New York City and the quiet night of the Pacific Coast.  And in each of those beautiful places I have sensed the awesome presence of God who has given me the blessing of seeing so much of his world.

I have also seen places less than beautiful.  I have seen places where fresh drinking water is non-existent, where cardboard serves as the walls that keep out the wind and rain, where one meal a day is all one can manage, where life is not at all like any of the other places I have seen or experienced. And I have also sensed the powerful presence of God in these rougher edged places.

Journeys are spiritual.  Journeys reveal to us the God who lives among his very own people – not inside buildings of our own making or in the books of our libraries.  Jesus embodies all, both the lovely and the not so lovely aspects of our humanity.  Jesus experiences the highs and lows of life, the victories and the struggles, the joy and the sorrow.  All of which make up our human journey through life.

Jesus’ final journey – to the cross of suffering death – is marked by false accusations and the unjust judgment which emerges from those lies.  Jesus endures with us the pain of betrayal, the empty feeling of loneliness and, finally, the sting of death.  The story of Jesus’ passion and death on the cross leave us no doubts that he indeed knows the heights and depths of human life and embraces it fully in Divine Love.  Jesus’ final journey to death on the cross leaves us no doubts that he indeed knows each one of our very complex lives and embraces us fully in Divine Love.

The Scriptures tell us that if we die with Christ then we shall be raised with Christ (Romans 6.8).  Jesus invites us to take up our own cross and follow him (Luke 9.23).  This Lent walk with Jesus.  Walk the way of suffering and death on the cross.  Hear once again the magnificent story of the amazing depth of God’s love for us that to redeem sinners he sends a Son (Galatians 4.7).

-Fr. Ram Lopez