We are looking forward to class this weekend! We didn’t have the number expected for last week’s class so we again enjoyed a fellowship time, which is still very fulfilling. Hopefully, we will be able to resume the next chapter in the book “Inspired” by Rachel Held Evans this week. This book has been such a great conversation starter. Hope to see you there!!
Reminder: this will be our last class ’til March 24 as we line up with “Tacos with Taylor” and “Fun and the Son” youth and children’s formation classes, and they’re not holding class the two weekends of spring break. We have found that it is has been the most productive use of our resources to not have class during 3-day weekends and holiday weeks due to the dip in attendance amongst families.
We always have the gathering area “coffee hour” and nursery care during the 9:30-10:30 hour as you come to worship. This is a great time of fellowship before worship and there is always food and goodies to feed those who come.