On January 23rd, St. George hosted the Cursillo “Day of Deepeer Understanding,” with approximately 75 people from various parishes attending. Eleven of those in attendance were from St. George: Steve & Susan Alwais, Stuart & Leigh Saunders, Molly Miller, Margaret White, Meg Grant, Carol Molina, Wes Hiatt, Jane Ahuero, Paul Warner.
Molly Miller notes, “Attending Cursillo is a spiritual high. However, as many past attendees have discovered, maintaining that high can be challenging. Day of Deeper Understanding provides an opportunity for new Cursillistas to join with the body of past Cursillistas and share their experiences. As with all lessons, unless the learning is applied soon and frequently, the learning can be lost. Day of Deeper Understanding helps attendees to refocus on their Christian walk and the principles of Cursillo. Although Christ is always with us, Cursillistas are reminded that so too are their Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Accountability to God and to each other helps us to grow our witness to others.”
Steve Alwais, who served as the lay rector for Cursillo #270, writes, “The ‘Day of Deeper Understanding’ is a day designed to rekindle the fire within all of those who have attended Cursillo. There have been 270 Cursillos with the Diocese of West Texas. It is a weekend experience designed to bring to mind and heart the elements of our daily walk with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
During the event on January 23rd the Cursillistas heard talks from Steve Alwais, the lay rector of Cursillo #270, and Molly Miller, a participant on that weekend. Both truly reflected the spirit of the weekend. As everyone who has ever attended a Cursillo would tell you, it truly is a weekend well worth taking part in it. If you have any questions or would like to attend Cursillo, please contact any of them or Fr. Ram.