Come and join us Sunday, February 28th, immediately following the 10:45 AM service, for our formation gathering! During this Lenten season, we will participate in our 2nd annual “kid-friendly” Stations of the Cross! Each child will be given a set of Stations of the Cross cards to use as we experience Jesus’ journey to the cross. Each child will make “Stations of the Cross” boxes which they will fill with reminders of each station. It will be a memorable formation event that will give the kids a little insight as to what Jesus experienced on the day we call Good Friday. All kids in the 3rd-5th grades are invited to join us! The Lenten Soup lunch will be occurring, so kids can grab some soup and we will proceed with the stations after everyone eats! Please let Happy Wilson know who will be attending so I can plan appropriately!
Parents: It would be helpful if I had 1-2 parent volunteers to help me with overseeing this formation event. Please let me know if you are able to help and join in the “Stations of the Cross” with us! Kids may be picked up at 1:30 PM from the Youth & Family Room.
- St. George Church
- 6904 West Avenue
- San Antonio, TX 78213