Ronald McDonald House located at 4847 Sid Katz Dr. (210) 614-2554
Sunday, November 17 from 1:00-3:00 pm (Immediately following the New Consecration Sunday luncheon)
We will be baking tasty sweets for the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House
The Kids of KFC are invited to come and serve the families at the Ronald McDonald House on Sunday, November 17! We will be baking tasty sweets for the families to enjoy throughout the week! A SignUp Genius link will be sent out for RSVP’s as well as give individuals the opportunity to donate supplies needed for our baking extravaganza!
Note to Parents: Nov. 17 is New Consecration Sunday (NCS), which will be a one-service that begins at 10:00 AM. There is a luncheon to follow after the service. The kids will enjoy lunch with their families in the Parish Hall. We will depart immediately following the NCS luncheon and head to the Ronald McDonald House. We will need help chaperoning the kids. If there are any parents who are available to help transport and chaperone while at the facility, please let me know!
Looking forward to sharing this special service opportunity with the kids!