Boy Scouts of America Troop 346 50th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Harmony Hills Cabana Club
339 Fantasia Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78216
3:00 pm Fellowship — 5:30 Dinner — 6:30 Program
$5.00 – 10 & older • $2.00 – 3-9 years • Under 3 Free
For reservations, please send payment (checks payable to Troop 346) to
Ann Specht, 902 Mt. Serolod Dr., San Antonio, Texas 78213
Please send your email address to spxtx@aol.com for updates
RSVP is required by emailing jimbosa53@gmail.com.
You are welcome to join their Facebook page: Troop 346–San Antonio