Dear Friends in Christ:
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
This past Sunday, I announced two items of interest to all in our SG Community.
First, beginning on Sunday, September 8, we will launch a third, late afternoon worship option. The vision for this is to reach those in the surrounding community who, for whatever reason, cannot make it to any church on a Sunday morning. It will also be a help to our own folks who, more and more, find their Sunday mornings filled with personal and professional activities. At this point, what I would ask is that you pray for the design team (Keith Earle, Jessica Leibowitz, and myself) and pray for an opportunity to invite someone you feel God is calling you to share this new offering.
Second, the Vestry and School Board will begin a review of bids from several local contractors on a possible renovation and refreshing of the Parish Hall. The plan would include enlarging the stage for both Church and School Fine Arts performances, raising the ceiling, installing new flooring, and generally upgrading this much-used space. Timing and cost are the two primary considerations and will be the two main factors on moving forward. I will keep you informed about the process as it moves along. Please do pray for the Vestry and School Board as they weigh the options that will come before them. Please feel free to ask questions of Keith Earle, our Senior Director; Susan Alwais, our Senior Warden; or me.
Our beloved community of St. George is in a very healthy place right now – which is a wonderful blessing. I believe strongly that God is calling us to share that blessing by reengaging our mission of joining Jesus on the mission fields of our life. We are called to go to the mission fields that are nearby and far away, the familiar and the unfamiliar, in order to share the Good News of Jesus with those whose hopes have faded, whose faith has waned, who seek the Light of Christ to drive away the inner darkness which besets their hearts.
I am grateful for all that God is doing among us, around us, and through us! I am grateful to have each of you, my St. George sisters and brothers, as partners in this mission of Jesus to which we have been called!