As you may have heard, we are back for in-person worship at 8:30 AM in the Sanctuary. Doors open each Sunday at 8:15 AM and you may use either entrance (Richards, or Sanctary Narthex) for worship. Parking is permitted in all of our lots if you are attending. We will have screening set up at both entrances to the Sanctuary. We are requiring that all attendees who are comfortable coming for in-person worship fill out our St. George Episcopal Church Pre-Screening/Reservation form by Sunday morning before they attend the service. This form will also be linked in each week’s eSpear electronic newsletter. This will speed up our on-campus screening and check-in process once you arrive. It will also help us anticipate the numbers attending and determine how we will set up the worship space. Remember, we are continuing to offer our 10:45 AM worship stream in the same format that we have been presenting each week, and we look forward to seeing you!
Below is a video I have provided that walks you through the Pre-Screening/ Reservation form so that you can anticipate what it will look like.
Click Here for St. George Pre-Screeing/Reservation form instructions.
I am also including a fun video created by the staff to highlight what to expect for the return to in-person worship- This is what it looked like in the Parish Hall when we stared, however, it will be the same process in the Sanctuary. Take a look, and enjoy the fun spirit that went into this video!
Click here for the Welcome Back! A look at the return to in-person worship video.
If you do not receive our eSpear newsletter- Click Here to sign up.
As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions. The rest of the team and I are here for you and want to support you in any way possible. Have a blessed rest of your week!
Keith Earle
Senior Director