It’s great to be a kid at St. George on Sunday mornings! We have a fun-filled Fall planned….and it all kicked off this past Sunday, Sept. 8! We have programming for all ages! Details can be found below for Fun & the Son, our all-age Sunday school, as well as our Children’s & Kids for Christ Chapels! We look forward to another fun year with your kids!
Fun & the Son: Meets every Sunday…except on holiday weekends…at 9:45 am in the Youth & Family Room
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Who says you have to wait for summer to go to Vacation Bible School?! You can have VBS on Sundays throughout the year. Join us this Sunday, Sept. 8, as we kick off our fall series of Fun & the Son: GAME ON; our VBS inspired Sunday School for kids in kinder-5th grade! During Fun & the Son: GAME ON kids engage in interactive bible lessons, play fun games and make snacks that relate to the bible theme of the day!
This fall, we’re going on an epic African adventure with ROAR, where the whole herd will be engaged! At ROAR, kids will explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life! So lace up those shoes, get in the spirit and join us on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM in the Youth & Family Room. We look forward to seeing you there! Breakfast is provided. While the kids are participating, we welcome parents to join in “The Wired Word” group study during this time in the Parish Hall!
Children’s Chapel (PreK-2nd grade) & Kids For Christ Chapel (3rd-5th grade): Meets every Sunday during the 10:45 am worship service
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All our chapel lessons engage the kids in scripture through fun & action-packed activities! Over the next couple of weeks in September, we will be completing the Back to School series of lessons: Glorifying God at School. Last Sunday was our first lesson, Glorifying God on the playground! This Sunday, we learn how to Glorify God in the Cafeteria; kids will learn the importance of focusing on Christ and on the good things of the Spirit!
Sept. 15: Glorifying God in the Classroom
Sept. 22: Glorifying God on the Bus
Sneak Peek for October lessons: we will begin a new series called Monsters: Overcoming the Fear of Scary Things with God’s Help!
Sept. 29: The Monsters Out There: kids will learn to trust God with their fears.
Oct. 6: The Monsters In Here: kids will learn to face their fear of failure and take risks when God leads them
Oct. 13: Bigger than the Monsters: kids will learn to fear the Lord and love Him for all He’s done
Oct. 20: The Monsters Up Ahead: kids will know they can trust God now and in the future.
Oct. 27: Special October lesson called Pumpkin Seeds: kids will learn when we give what we have to God, no matter how small, he is able to use it and turn it into something GREAT!