“I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.”
Book of Common Prayer, pg. 265, Liturgy for Ash Wednesday.
Dear Friends in Christ:
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
We have arrived yet again at the doorstep to the season of Lent. Generations of Christ followers have used this 40-day season to reset their faith in Christ’s Love, to renew their commitment to their Baptismal vows, and to recommit to serving God and God’s people in their daily lives and work.
The words of invitation to observe a holy Lent give us clues to finding our way spiritually through Lent to a glorious Easter Morning. Here are some regular offerings that you can utilize during Lent:
- Our Sunday liturgies will provide opportunities for self-examination and repentance as offered in the Book of Common Prayer.
- Joining the Wednesday Bible Study, Coffee and Conversation, Understanding the Gospel, or the Wired Word classes in order to read and discuss God’s Word.
- Recommit to (or finally start) reading The Path Bible in order to understand the full story of Scripture.
- Walk the Stations of the Cross (indoor or outdoor).
- Attend our Lenten Soup Lunches and meet others who are on the spiritual journey here.
- Prepare soup when it is your turn and discover the joy in serving others.
- “Try on” a ministry during Lent by examining how your time priorities.
- Plan now to attend Holy Week worship (April 14-20). Opportunities for daily worship will be available to all.
Lent at St. George is a time for all of us to come together in prayer and service to discover the riches of God’s grace.
I look forward to sharing this Lenten Journey with you and your loved ones!
Fr. Ram+