Due to this wild winter weather, we have decided to move our drive-through Pancake Supper to this coming Sunday, February 21st. Please watch our page for an update on the plan for Sunday.
It may not be Shrove Tuesday…but we’re still celebrating with PANCAKES! So leave brunch to us & order your pancakes…TO-GO! Each pancake plate will include 3 pancakes, 2 sausage links, and a side of fresh fruit…all safely packed and ready for you to come by and pick up…without leaving your car! Or, if you will be attending the one-service at 10:00 am, in-person, you can grab your pancake plates on your way out!
So order for yourself, or the whole family! Click here to order your pancake dinners! If you’re driving thru…orders can be picked up between 11:45-12:45 PM on Sunday, February 21, under the Porte cochere at the East Castle Lane entrance. We hope you’ll join us at the Drive-Thru!
**All previous orders that were received for Shrove Tuesday have been deleted! So, if you filled out a pancake order form for Shrove Tuesday, you MUST fill out another pancake order for this Sunday**
Donation contributions will benefit the St. George Camp Scholarship Fund!