
The prelude begins after the first bell rings. Please enter the Sanctuary quietly. Many people kneel while they prepare their hearts and minds for worship.

Processional Hymn

The Processional Hymn is drawn from the Hymnal. While standing, the congregation sings the hymn while the acolytes, lay ministers and readers, and clergy enter the sanctuary. The lyrics for the hymn are available on the screen or in the hymnal.

Song of Praise

During the Song of Praise, at the 10:45 service, the children (ages 4-2nd grade) follow the acolyte holding the cross to their age-appropriate Children’s Chapel. While this song sometimes comes from the hymnal, it may not, but will relate thematically to the lessons.

The Readings

The First Lesson, The Psalm and The Second Lesson

The first and second readings and the Psalm are all read by lay readers. Typically there is an Old Testament reading, a New Testament reading and a Psalm. These readings, along with the Gospel, are part of a set lectionary, which assigns readings according to a three-year cycle of the calendar, called the Lectionary, which can be found in the Book of Common Prayer.

Sequence Song or Hymn

The sequence song or hymn, performed by the congregation, leads into the Gospel reading. For this song, you may refer to the screen for the lyrics.

The Gospel

The Gospel tells us the story of Jesus’ life and death. The Gospel Book is held by an acolyte and is brought to the center of the sanctuary, signifying its importance. A priest reads the Gospel, and we all stand and face the book as it is read.

The Sermon

The sermon is usually given by a priest, though occasionally a lay person will speak to the congregation.  Typically the sermon is thematically connected to the lessons or readings that we have heard and their implication in today’s life.

The Creed

The Nicene or the Apostles’ Creed is a statement affirming our faith and we recite it together.

The Prayers of The People

In the Prayers of the People, we pray for our Church, the nation and world. We pray for those who are sick or have died. There are moments of silence during the prayer where you are invited to offer up your own prayers, silently or aloud.

Passing of The Peace

During the Passing of the Peace, we greet one another and say, “Peace be with you.” Often times, people greet only those right around them, but some people will travel several pews away to greet old friends. While this moment can feel awkward to a visitor, please remember that we are happy to meet you.

Announcements and Celebrations

Upcoming events are mentioned, and the clergy blesses those with anniversaries and birthdays.


A collection plate is passed at this part of our service, and an offertory song is performed. Many parishioners place their offerings and pledges in provided envelopes into the plate or a large part of our congregation utilizes online giving, which is linked in this website.  Sometimes we have a special offering for donations to a charity or specific cause. You may notice that some people put in loose bills, some people have envelopes, and others put in nothing at all. Some people give monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Following the offering, the bread and wine is brought forward to the Altar Table and the Communion Table is set.


A short hymn in which we give thanks to God.

Eucharistic Prayer

The Eucharistic Prayer tells the story of our faith beginning with creation. It tells the story of the last supper in which we take Communion in remembrance of him.


A hymn of adoration and praise that leads into the second part of the service, “The Liturgy of the Eucharist.”


In the Episcopal Church, all baptized Christians can take communion. People come forward and kneel and stand at the altar. The ushers will help guide you. If you don’t wish to take communion, you may stay seated or come to the altar rail and cross your hands over your chest, signaling the priest to offer a blessing instead of communion.

Recessional Hymn

A hymn from the hymnal is sung as the liturgical ministers process out.


During the postlude, the congregation leaves the sanctuary and greet the clergy members standing at the back door.