Consecration Sunday is Coming November 15, 2020
One Service Sunday 10:00 AM (Streamed and In-Person)
Luncheon to Follow (Lunch in the courtyard or for pickup)
Once again, we welcome in a new season and opportunity to renew our commitment to the biblical and spiritual principles of generous giving through our New Consecration Stewardship (NCS) Program and to explore how God is calling each of us in this area. Over the next few weeks, we will receive an overview of how to approach systematic and proportionate giving, fundamental tenets of the NCS Program. We will also hear personal stories from parishioners about how giving has influenced their life and how NCS can help our calling with respect to giving. Lastly, we will begin announcing the various ways that you can make your commitment to giving and provide an RSVP for the Consecration Sunday luncheon, which occurs immediately after the Consecration Sunday service on November 15th. Last year’s luncheon was a wonderful celebration of fellowship and acknowledgment of God’s gifts to us. This year we are taking a different approach to the luncheon. Due to the pandemic, our reservation process will have the option for you to select a deluxe box lunch option and to either enjoy it with your family in our courtyard at one of our seven beautiful outdoor eating areas that are distanced or drive through to pick up your lunch and enjoy it at home.
Congregations that approach financial stewardship from a biblical perspective do not view their pledges as merely a way for the church to pay its bills. Rather, those congregations see financial giving as a way to help its members grow spiritually in their relationship with God by supporting their church’s mission and ministry with a percentage of their income.
NCS is based on the biblical philosophy that spiritual development comes from the need of the giver to give, not the need of the church to receive. Therefore, people are treated like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give unselfishly as an act of discipleship, not out of obligation. NCS encourages people toward proportionate and systematic giving in response to the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?”
On November 15, at the Consecration Sunday service, we will all fill out an estimate of giving card together. The congregation will be able to fill out this card during our streamed/in-person service electronically or in person if they are participating on campus. A guest leader will conduct a brief period of instruction and inspiration, culminating in members making their financial commitments for 2021. These commitments support the benevolent, missionary, and educational ministries in the St. George community and communities around the world.
Remember that the cards are collected in such a way as to maintain your privacy and to honor all decisions as a confidential act of worship. Even people who are strongly opposed to completing a card are encouraged to attend the Consecration Sunday service, as it is still our time to worship God together.
The NCS committee, vestry members, and ministry leadership will make every effort to inform, to inspire, and to gain commitment from everyone to attend the Consecration Sunday service and luncheon. By choosing to attend this service, every attendee and member who completes an Estimate of Giving Card is doing so voluntarily. We will not solicit people at home to complete their cards. However, we will contact parishioners to confirm their attendance at the virtual/in-person service and to see which luncheon option they prefer.
Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in these Consecration Sunday events.
Jeffrey C. Bizon
Consecration Sunday Co-Chair