Youth Group Service Project Fun!

IMG_4255Yesterday the St. George Youth Group enjoyed their LAST on campus Youth Group for the school year.  The kids enjoyed some tacos, OJ, and sardines.  No, not literally Sardines, but Sardines the game.  Sardines is the opposite of hide and go seek. One person hides and everyone tries to find that them and if they do they hide with them.  The last person to find the group is “it” for the next game.  We had some kids hide in elevators, desks, and closets and other interesting places.  Fun was had by all.

The kids then participated in a mini-service project where they put 4-8 quarters in a plastic bag and decorated a St. George Youth label with a scripture or encouraging message.  These bags were then dropped of at red box movie machines, Sonic, pay telephones, and vending machines.  The goal is to have all who find them to enjoy a free movie, soda, or a happy hour slush on us.  We then discussed the importance of gifts and giving back from how God has abundantly given to us.  Next week is our end of the year pool party and details will follow!

-Daniel Forman