All posts by Keith Earle

Thanksgiving Potluck Thank You!

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What a great time we had celebrating with our St. George Family last Sunday! The Men of St. George-the Dragonslayers, set the tables, prepared delicious turkey for us and our parishioners, (or should I say chefs?), provided the wonderful side dishes. Fun, food and fabulous fellowship was enjoyed by all!

Annual Polar Express Party!

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It’s that time of year again…time for our annual Polar Express Party!!

Kids, come dressed in your pajamas and get comfy with your sleeping bag and pillow as you take a ride on the Polar Express! We’ll watch the famous Polar Express movie, have hot chocolate and cookies, and a whole lot of holiday fun! Limited space available, so don’t miss your chance. Reserve your spot today! Email Happy Wilson at

WHEN: Sunday, December 6, 2:00-4:30 PM
WHERE: Parish Hall/School Cafeteria
WHO: Kids in Kinder-5th grade