Council Delegate Election

The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas will hold its 118th Annual Council in San Marcos on February 24-26, 2022.

St. George, one of the parishes of the Diocese, will be electing delegates (DATE TBD)  to serve at the next three annual Diocesan Council meetings soon. We will be electing two (2) delegates as well as alternate delegates.

      Delegates will join Fr. Ram and Rev. Susan in assembling “to hear ministry reports, conduct the annual business of the Diocese, worship together, participate in workshops, and share fellowship.”

Delegates should be Confirmed Communicants in good standing of St. George.  Those elected by the parish will need to be willing to travel to San Marcos to participate in this in-person meeting.  Each delegate, clergy and lay, will be required to adhere to the Covid-19 guidelines and protocols as set forth by the Diocese of West Texas leadership.  Additionally, delegates may choose to stay in the Council hotel (recommended) at their own expense.

If you have questions, please reach out to Father Ram or Arden McLean, Senior Warden for more information.

Submit your nomination here.